• Soft & Slow •

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Connor x Ambigious!Reader

I lay lazily on my bed half under the covers and half not. A thin t-shirt and some short shorts being the only clothes on my body. I hear Connor walk in and feel him plop down onto the mattress. “Are you alright sweetie?” I ask, concerned, he’s normally never like this. Tired is what I mean…. “Yes, I’m just… tired for once.. I guess.” He answers groggily, I have to say, I really like his voice when it sounds like that.    Not that I don’t like his regular voice though, it's just nice to hear for a change. “Wanna lie down on the bed with me Con?” He nods and I scoot over, making room for him on the bed beside me.

As soon as he lays down he pulls me into his arms and holds me close. He rests his head on my chest listening to my heartbeat. “I love you…” he looks up at me innocently and smiles. I smile back and sigh contently, closing my eyes to fall back into slumber. He kisses my chest in a completely innocent way. His soft and slow kisses trail up to my collar bone. Then to my shoulder. Lastly, he kisses my neck with his soft faux lips. I giggle at the feel of them on my neck, me being a ticklish person.

He pauses for a moment before continuing to kiss my neck softly, every so often nuzzling my jaw with his nose. My short and quiet giggles turn into loud and obnoxious laughter the more he kisses my neck. “You’re incredibly cute (y/n),” He smiles up at me and my face turns a light pink at his words.

“You don’t know how much it means to me that you care for me.” He continues and I kiss him on the forehead. “I believe I do Connor.” his next expression makes me giggle again, for he looked confused mixed with so much adoration. I pull him closer to me, embracing him tightly. I look down at his cute, peaceful face before giving him a quick peck on the lips. “I love you so much Connor,” “I love you in abundance as well (y/n).”

(A/n) - I'm too lazy to do a summary each time.... so I'm just not gonna anymore. Anyways other than my complaining... I hope you enjoyed this one shot! Tell me if you'd be okay with me doing headcannons because I've been thinking about doing some. Love you guys!

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