Chapter 1: Percy

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Percy Jackson was walking silently down the streets of Manhattan. It was midnight, and it was cold, dark, and raining. He snuck out his window after waking from a horrible nightmare about his and Annabeth's time in Tartarus. He dreamed of Bob and Damasen, and their last time seeing their unlikely friends alive.

Percy glanced up at the sky, a small hole in the sky appeared where Zoë's constellation was. Tears streaked his face as he whispered into the darkness, "Bob says hello."

Tears streamed down his face as he continued to stare at the sky, watching the clouds as they engulfed the hole whole.

A sudden movement ripped Percy out of his thoughts. He saw it from his peripheral and quickly snapped his head in the direction. He saw a shadow knock over a trash can as it quickly darted into the ally. Percy grabbed his pen and uncapped it, Riptide growing into a beautiful celestial bronze sword that glowed faintly in the darkness around him. A streetlight flickered and a half starved black cat hissed at him as it darted into the shadows.

A flash of lightning illuminated the street as a distant rumble of thunder boomed. The rain pelted Percy's body, though he was still dry, thanks to being the son of Poseidon.

He crept towards the ally and crouched low, tightening his grip on Riptide as he glanced into the ally. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the rain water around him. He felt the figure of someone, curled alone in the ally.

He was cold, wet, and tired. Percy sighed, he could feel that this person wasn't a monster. So, he stood up and capped Riptide thinking, he's probably a demigod who is just afraid. I can't scare him with my sword, right?

Percy took a deep breath and allowed the water to soak him, I'll dry myself later.

He walked over to the curled shape in the distance. It was still too dark to see him, but he knew he was definitely human.

"Hey!" Percy called into the darkness. The form jumped up and started to slowly back away.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you", he called in a soothing voice.

The figure put his hands up and yelled, "no! Get back! Please!"

Percy stopped dead in his tracks, the voice was so familiar. It... can't be...

Lightning struck as if Zeus was like, "well, let me prove it to you," as the ally illuminated. Percy gasped as he saw the blond hair and the scarred face of his friend turned enemy turned friend.

Luke?" Percy called into the darkness.

"No Percy! Leave! Don't come near me! he's trying to-," Luke started to choke and Percy rushed to his side.

"Luke! I thought you were dead! I will help you! I swear on the river of Sty-." He suddenly screamed as he felt a searing pain in his head.


"You are mine now Perseus Jackson!" A dark, raspy voice cackled in his head as he fell to the ground. "I will rise again and you will be a more worthy host than that, child of Hermes! You will help me take back my throne from my unworthy son! We will rule Olympus! All you need to do is let me control you," Kronos said in a very kind voice.

"you... will... not... take me!" Percy screamed as time started to slow around him. Then suddenly, everything went still. Percy felt his control slipping.

"Percy?" Luke called as he hesitantly walked up to Percy's limp form.

No, I can't have Camp be destroyed! Percy thought as he wrestled Kronos for control. He sat up and stared at Luke, who yelped and grabbed his sword.

"Luke, protect Annabeth, I have Kronos under control but... he is in me now. I don't know how long I can suppress him. Go! Quickly!"

Luke nodded as he ran off into the rain. "How long do you think you can resist me demigod? I will have you under my control. And I will destroy the gods-."

"Keep blabbing oh, so powerful and glorious Primordial Pimple, I will not submit!"

"Then you are more foolish than I thought-."

"Crawl back to the stinking armpit of your step-dad Kronos!"

A sudden searing pain racked Percy's body causing him to kneel on the floor.

"Pathetic! You think you can insult me!? Kronos! Lord of Time and father to your pathetic Gods! You can't resist me forever demigod! And when you do submit-," Kronos have the most unnervingly, evil laugh Percy had ever heard, "I will go after everyone you love, and I will make sure you can see as I kill everyone you love! Starting with your pathetic mortal mother! Then maybe I'll go after that daughter of Athena you fancy so dearly... or that traitor Luke-."

"Wow, you totally convinced me to give you control over my body", Percy mumbled sarcastically as he started to get up. He suddenly stopped when he saw his reflection in a puddle.

His eyes where golden and his face was contorted with pain. He was way paler and he knew that he was in trouble. Once the gods find out that Kronos is in me now... gods! I need to hide!

Percy tried getting up, but searing pain rippled throughout his body forcing him back to the ground. He groaned and gasped as he heard the Titan Lord laugh in his head.

"Kronos, we have to leave! The gods will be coming for us and kill us when they do. Stop your pathetic whining and let me get us to safety. Then you can start telling me your evil plot and I can start resisting you okay?"

"You shall not tell me what to do mortal! I am-."

"Kronos! We can argue like an old married couple later! We need to leave, NOW!"

"I-, very well demigod. Run, but if you gave me control, we wouldn't have to."

"Nice try Mr. Cannibal, but I rather be able to control my body for now", Percy said as he got up and bolted. Time slowed around them as Kronos wanted to give themselves as much time as they can to put as much distance between them and the gods.

"You cannot resist me for long Perseus, but I admire your dedication. Tell me, were do you plan to go?"

"Isn't it obvious Cannibal King? Alaska, it's the land beyond the gods, they will have a hard time tracking us there."

"Hmm... you are smarter than I gave you credit for..."

"Why thank you, happens when you date the daughter of Wisdom."

"True, I have underestimated your mental strength, but you will crack eventually Perseus."

"Um... may I make a request of you oh so powerful lord of cannibalism?"

"Will you shut up about- ugh, what do you want pathetic mortal?"

"It's more of a deal actually, I will stop calling you names if you will call me Percy instead of Perseus."

Kronos was silent for a small while until Percy heard a sigh, and the Titan spoke once more, "very well... Percy."

"Thank you."

They ran in silence the Titan feeding Percy strength so he can run all the way to Alaska. I'm sorry everyone, but I'm Leaving, and I cannot return, Percy thought as a lone tear streaked down his face.

He was now an outcast, a wanted fugitive of the gods. He just hoped that Luke made it to camp alright, please, take care of my wise girl, okay?

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