Chapter 9: Percy

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Percy had been training harder to master time control for rest of the first year. At the beginning of year two, Percy had learned how to Teleport (he didn't practice it much, Kronos just walked him through the details) and control the mist. It was hard at first, but he eventually got a hold of it. Then, near the spring, Kronos started to speak less and less. During the fall, Kronos didn't speak, but Percy felt his presence from time to time.

Two years after Percy left (winter)...

Percy fell asleep, exhausted about training his powers. As he fell asleep, he heard a faint voice he hasn't jeard in a long time, "goodbye Percy".

Percy woke up, feeling different. A chill ran down Percy's spine as he bolted up and grabbed Anaklusmos and checked everywhere for anything that can influence this strange feeling.

Then, it dawned on him.

"Kronos?" He called into the darkness.

No answer, not even the stirring in his conscience. That was the only indication that the Titan was still with him.

Maybe... he didn't here me...

"Kronos?" Percy called a slightly louder.

Still no answer.

Percy slumped on the ground. Am I free? He asked himself. He darted to his backpack and shifted around. He grabbed his cracked phone (that was a long story involving a wild pack of wolves and a hole in his pocket), and glanced at his reflection.

Still solid gold, but then... where's Kronos?

He sat back down on the ground, rubbing his temples and pondered what could have happen.

He didn't mind having golden eyes, they were kinda cool, but as long as he has them; he'll be wanted and hunted. Secondly, he missed his sea green eyes, the eyes that where his and his dad's.

He decided to come to a conclusion, obviously, Kronos faded, maybe this is residual. I'll just need to give it time...

Percy then shot up, time...

He flicked his wrist and saw the golden energy that pulsed out. He then ran to the entrance and saw that the blizzard had stopped completely. When he snapped his finger, the blizzard continued as if it had never been paused.

Just a side effect..., Percy thought nervously, hoping that that was all ot was.

A few weeks later...

The blizzard had stopped and Percy walked out into the beautiful winter wonderland. Percy hasn't eaten in days, but he hasn't felt hungry either. He ran out of food and hasn't been able to leave his cave because of the raging blizzard.

So, he grabbed his wallet and left on the familiar trek to his favorite gas station thinking, oh, I bet they love me. Do I even leave the right amount that includes the tax? Well, can't blame a guy for trying!

He continued on when he heard a sudden growl. He whipped around to find a wolf, it's blood stained teeth bared. It's snowy fur rippled in the wind as it's beady yellow eyes glared at him. Bloody saliva dripped from its maw as it advanced towards him. One wolf, I can handle one wolf, Percy thought. Suddenly, the wolf howled and more howls followed, surrounding him.

Great, this gets better and better...

The wolf in front of him lunges. Percy holds out his arm as the wolf bit into it. He cried out in pain and tried to stab the wolf with Riptide. When he finally did, he was surprised to see that the creature was actually killed.

He rolled to his back and jumped up. He flicked his wrist and time stopped. Just as he was about to put his arm down, something odd caught his eye. His arm was covered in golden liquid.

His heart lept into his throat as he gingerly pulled back his sleeve.

Oozing from the bite marks, was the golden blood of the immortals, golden ichor.

Well crap...

He walked back to the cave and glanced towards the ice. He remembered that it would melt into a small lake. Percy walked over and stabbed Riptide into the ice, repeating the action over and over until there was a hole big enough for him to shove his arm in. I hope this still works...

He threw his hand into the icey coldness which caused him to flinch in pain. For a few seconds fear started to grip his heart as nothing happened. Then suddenly, relief filled him as he felt the wounds close and the pain fade. When he removed his hand ot was, like always, dry. Relief of a different kind filled him as he started to actually believe that he might be able to return to Camp soon. See his friends and Annabeth. His hopes were up again as he kept brushing off the ichor, the eyes, and the time control as just a side effect.

A few weeks later, near the end of winter...

Percy woke, the hope diminished as he saw no changes, well, changes he was hoping for that is. His eyes didn't change color nor did the ichor change back to red (he knew because he would either trip, cut himself while sharpening sticks, or being attacked by wild animals). His control over water and time had strengthened and became easier, he found that he could manipulate the mist stronger than Hazel, and that his endurance has slowly became infinite.

Then, one morning, he found something on his wrist. A black and silver watch.

Percy saw a button that didn't seem like it did anything useful but he pressed it anyways. The watch detached itself and grew until he was holding Kronos' scythe. Painful memories of the second Titan war filled his head. He reverted the watch form and threw it as far as his new immortal body could. He sighed as he looked down, then caught his breath when he saw the watch again. He ripped it off, turned it into scythe form and flung it again. He looked down at his left arm and watched as the watch appeared before his very eyes.

He glared down at the cursed weapon/watch as he walked back into his cave. He sat down hard and stared at it.

So... I'm technically Kronos now? Like, I have his memories but I have my own. I feel like myself but...

He then started clicking and unclicking the button, making the scythe grow then shrink, grow then shrink.

Then he came to a conclusion.

I'll learn hiw to use it, but I won't, I repeat, won't, use it unless its absolutely necessary or something happens to it to make it not Kronos' weapon he used to kill my friends. I swear this to the friends who have died by this blade. I swear!

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