Chapter 3: Annabeth

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Annabeth woke with a start as a loud clap of thunder boomed close by. She suddenly had a bad feeling in her gut, something is wrong.

She ran out into the rain-.

Wait! Rain? It never rains within camp unless...

Annabeth quickened her pace, the feeling of dread filling her with each time her feet it the ground. Her mind kept repeating...

Something is wrong, I have to get to Chiron. Something is wrong, I have to Chiron. Something is wrong, I have to Chiron. Something is wrong, I have to Chiron. Something is wrong, I have to...

She saw the Big House now, the door had just closed. She picked up her speed, still repeating.

Something is wrong, I have to Chiron.

She suddenly burst into the Big House and darted to Chiron's office. She banged open the door, startling the old centaur and a boy sitting in one of the two chairs.

"Annabeth-", Chiron started, but was immediately interrupted by Annabeth.

"Chiron! Something is wrong! I can feel it! Something happened to Percy-".

"Yes, something has happened to Percy", the boy in the chair interrupted. Annabeth stiffened as she recognized the voice, it.. can't be...

The boy lifted his hood, his blue eyes staring straight into Annabeth's. She choked up, tears filling her stormy gray eyes as they fell upon his signature scar on his face.

"Luke?" She asked in disbelief.

Luke smiled as he said, "hi, Anna- ouch!"

Annabeth smacked luke in the face, her eyes resembled the clouds of Hurricane Katrina as she stared to say in a seething voice, "how could you?! How could you betray us like that?! How could betray me like that?! And Thalia?! Your dad!!!"

"Annabeth I-".


"Because I was selfish Annie, I let my anger towards the gods weaken my mind and allow Kronos to manipulate it. I cannot ask your's nor anyone else at this camp for forgiveness, but I will still say it, I am sorry Annabeth", his voice started to choke as he stared into Annabeth's eyes, "I... truly... am...".

He placed his head in his hands and started to sob, Annabeth's eyes lost their fire and were replaced by pitty. She glanced towards Chiron who looked as shocked as she felt. She knelt down and placed an arm around Luke. He started to cry harder as he gripped Annabeth closer and cried into her shirt.

"I would never be able to feel the same way for you as before, but I forgive you", Annabeth said in her kindest voice possible. Luke glanced up at her, his eyes red and puffy with tears as he said in a choked voice, "thank.... you...".

They hugged eachother for a little bit longer until Luke was calm enough to explain what happened that night in the ally. Annabeth gasped as Chiron stared at Luke with wide eyes.

"Why? Why did Percy allow Kronos inside of him?" Annabeth asked as she stared pacing.

"I think... I might know why", Chiron said calmly, though his eyes betrayed him by showing the worry within.

"Why?" Annabeth and Luke asked. Luke already knew the answer, but... he wanted to here Chiron say it first.

"Because he wanted to give Luke a second chance. A chance to right his wrongs. Even if that ment taking on such a burden".

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