Chapter 11: Non-Specific

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"We're not going to make it!" Cried a young, redheaded girl with sparking green eyes as she dragged a boy along with her. He was her older brother who had dirty blond hair and his eyes would be blue if they were open. He was passed out, a big gash on his stomach where the hellhound had bitten him. Their clothes were in tatters and they smelled like Hades.

"It's okay Madeline! We'll make it!" Their Satyr guide called back.

As soon as he said this, a hellhound appeared out of the shadows and pounced on the Satyr.

"Colin!!!" Madeline screamed as she reached out for the Satyr. Before her very eyes, his body shrunk into a flower. She screamed as she started punching the hellhound to death. The dog charged her and pounced on top of her, drool dripping down it's mouth and onto her face. She glanced at her brother who still lay unconscious. A tear streaked down her face as she whispered a prayer to any god who was listening.

The hellhound's growled then lunged at her neck. She screamed and screamed until she realized that she was still alive. She opened her eyes to find a whole lot of sand over her. Then, looking closer, she realized it was actually golden dust.

"Here", a voice said above her. She quickly looked to see a hooded figure extending his hand. She grasped it and he helped her to her feet. Her and her brother's savior was a man in black leather armor and he wore a black, hooded cloak. He had on a mask that looked like it was supposed to be a skull, though it was devoided of a mouth. She was only able to see those striking, golden eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.

He quickly turned his back to her, his cape majestically followed his motion. "Can you carry him?" He asked without looking back. Madeline tried picking her brother up but she wasn't strong enough.

The mysterious man rolled his eyes while the girl wasn't looking and walked over to her unconscious brother. He picked him up and beckoned the Madeline to follow.

"Who are you?" She asked, only to be met by silence.

"Where are we going?" She asked, which got a sigh.

"To a place where you two will be safe", he muttered.

"Where is that?" She asked.

"A camp".

"What's the camp called?"

"Oh, its called, 'You'll know when you get there'", he said annoyed.

"That's a long name for a camp for kids".

They mysterious man faceplamed with his free hand and sighed, children!

"What's your name?" She asked, obviously not getting the gist that he was annoyed

He sighed as he said a single word.


Hours later...

A tree was visible in the distance. The mysterious man walked Madeline up to the border and placed her brother on the ground. She looked up and opened her mouth to say something. They mysterious man held up his hand and time stopped. He walked over to the forest and hid behind a tree before he snapped his finger sending out a pulse of golden energy and time resumed. He peeked around to see the girl jumped and hesitantly held her hand out to where he was once standing. The mysterious man straightened as he held his hand over his mouth area as he tried not to laugh. When he turned back around he saw that campers were already taking her brother to the infirmary and her to the big house. He waited until they were completely inside, then a few more until the campers left the big house before he stopped time yet again.


"-It was like, Aiónios just turned invisible! But when I reached out, he wasn't there!" Madeline said to Chiron excitedly.

"And... how did this mysterious disappearing person look again?" Chiron asked as he listened intently.

"He was wearing all black, but had glowing golden eyes!"

Chiron raised an eyebrow, "glowing?"

"Or they just really reflected the light", she said.

Behind a pillar was that very mysterious disappearing person covering his mouth to refrain from laughing.

He stopped time and casually walked out of the big house. He saw as everyone was trapped, suspended in time. Saytrs and demigods playing basketball while the younger demigods were playing tag.

Aiónios walked through the camp gazing at familiar and unfamiliar faces. He smiled at a boy and a girl in a canoe he had curly black hair, dark brown eyes, with a dorky grin as he gazed into the eyes of the girl. Aiónios heart tugged slightly as he saw the Honey hair and those dark almond eyes. She looks so beautiful in orange, he thought but quickly shook himself out of it as he continued on.

He stoped and turned to Cabin 3, and sighed. He glanced inside and saw that no one else was living in there. Satisfied, he continued. He saw a blonde boy and a pale, black haired boy in the shadows of the Hades cabin holding hands and looked as though they were speaking.

As he walked by Cabin 1, a shadow fell over him which caused him to look up. A blond haired boy with blue eyes was holding a brown haired girl whoes Kaleidoscope eyes where currently blue and her face was plastered with fake fear.

He smiled as he continued towards the ocean, which then quickly faded as he saw the lone figure on the beach. Her golden hair was suspended in time as a breeze was rushing through it, caressing it in a way he yearned to do. Her gray eyes were clear but not there as they gazed into the distance. He turned back to camp and saw the shadow of a blond haired, blue eyed man with a scar on his face staring at her, wishing he could take away her sadness.

Aiónios glanced back down at her, and removed his mask. His messy ebony hair fell into his tanned, handsome face. His golden eyes were flawless, not a single spot of green in his eyes. He stroked her face and pecked her on the cheek, tears in his eyes.

"I love you, Wise Girl", he said with a small smile. He got up and walked over to the man. He placed a letter in his clenched fists before he walked to the edge of the borders. He turned around and gazed at the camp.

I was once a hero, he thought as his memories flooded his mind, the two time hero of Olympus. I have battled Kronos and Gaea, I have saved the gods countless of times.

I was once known as Perseus Achilles Jackson, more commonly known as Percy. Now, I'm Aiónios, the Unofficial Titan Lord of Time.

He walked away, starting time again as he wondered off in search of more demigods to save.


One second Annabeth sat alone, the next, she felt as if someone had kissed her on the cheek.

And not just anyone...


She touches her cheek, tears streaming down her face, "Why Seaweed Brain? Your fatal flaw makes you such a kelp head!"

Far behind her, Luke was starting at her with nothing in his hand one second, then the next he was clutching a piece of paper. He glanced down and opened it.

Only one sentence written in ancient Greek was on it, and he knew what it ment.

'Choose your own fate, Luke'

He smiled to himself as he whispered, "Percy's back".

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