Eighteen at Last

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CA/N:Hello fellow Wattpaders and welcome to my story! This is a co-written story which both AmalFAMir and I are writing together. Neither of us are American, so if we make any mistakes, please point them out.

This is also my first story, so if you have any suggestions or corrections to make, please comment them. Thanks for checking out our story!

- ItsDestiny23


Chapter 1: Eighteen at Last

"Destiny!" my mom shouts from the kitchen as I get dressed for, ohmygosh, my 18th birthday! I can't believe my 18th birthday is finally here! I've been waiting for this day since - actually I don't even remember. I think forever!

My mom screams again, "Destiny!!!"

"Jeez Mom, give me a break. It's my birthday. I can take as much time as I want to get ready!" I retorted angrily.

I put on a beautiful, white dress reaching just above my knees, which I got last month for this specific day while I went shopping with my mom. I like to be prepared for any occasion beforehand. I put on some blush to add a hint of glow to my cheeks and some eyeliner on my eyelids to look casual but pretty. I add a hint of light pink lipstick that my dad got me from Dior on Christmas. I've heard a lot from everyone that I'm the prettiest girl in high school so I don't put too much makeup on, as a matter of fact, this is the most I've actually put on my entire life. I wear my black heels which I bought (with my dad's money) when I bought my dress a month ago. I curl my hair AGAIN just to make it perfect before going downstairs and meeting my family. They've been waiting for me downstairs so dad could drive me to college, and of course, to wish me happy birthday!

While going down the stairs I peeked out for a second, to know what that breathtaking smell from the kitchen was. I know what it is - my mom's homemade pancakes but I just peeked to make sure I was correct. As I peeked, I saw my mom spreading maple syrup all over her freshly made pancakes JUST for me! My mom's pancakes are the best and believe me they're better than a five star hotel's.

"Mom, Dad!" I scream at the top of my lungs, hoping not to disturb our neighbours since the front door was open. I run down the rest of the stairs and give them both a tight hug. They squeeze me even harder and let go after a few seconds.

"Destiny, you look gorgeous darling," Mom commented after examining me from head to toe. I thank her and quickly sit down on the table and gobble up the delicious pancakes that were made only for me. I grab my bag and go to the car, giving my mom a goodbye kiss. However, this time it felt like, I don't know, I was kissing her for the last time. Maybe this is something that happens to all newly aged 18-year olds? I ignored that strange feeling, and continue to run towards my dad's red Ferrari.

"Come on dad, it's Chicago! The traffic won't stop for me!" I scream once again. He comes after me continuously beeping the horn for 5 minutes.

Mrs. Timsdale steps out her front door as soon as my dad starts the car. You've gotta be kidding me! Aren't we late enough already?!

"Destiny keep it down would you, oh and... happy birthday, dear," she starts to shout but is quietened by the reminder of my birthday. Mrs. Timsdale is our neighbour who has lived in the house next to ours, since we arrived 15 years ago. She's been a nice neighbour and friend to all of us, even though I've never really talked to her much other than the usual greetings. She helped my mom and I unpack our furniture when we moved in, but like I said before, I don't know her much more than that. I replied with a smile and a simple thank you. The drive from our house to the university is about twenty minutes long and all the songs I listen to in the car are by Maroon 5. Even though I was never the kind of girl who liked to listen to music, much, I've always had this admiration for Maroon 5. Their songs are amazing!

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