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Job 1: 21

                "I was born with nothing and I will die with nothing. The LORD gave but He has taken away. May His name be praised! "


In this verse, Job shows the humbleness of his character. Why? Because during that time, he lost ALL his children and possessions and is afflicted with a repulsive disease. TAKE NOTE!! He is the RICHEST man in the East during that time!!!!!!!!! BUT he never blamed GOD! He gave praise instead!

There are instances in our life when we feel like boasting because we achieve something and such. But let me remind you, before we attempt to boast, think and thank GOD first. He gave us blessings for us to share. And in the first place, we have nothing to be proud of, except that we have GOD, because He owns EVERYTHING! AND WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT HIM!

Therefore, for every blessing we receive, we must thank GOD and share it with others. Rememeber that we are not here to please ourselves but to please GOD and others!


SORRY po sa mga wrong grammars!!!!!!!! ^_^v D tlaga aq magaling english! hihi THANK U FOR READING!!! GOD BLESS! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!

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