God Loves You at Your Worst!

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Romans 5:8

               " But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. "

I often compare myself to people around me--my friends, schoolmates, classmates, colleagues, etc. And I often ended disappointed. "Why are beautiful while I'm not?" "Why do they have flawless skin while I haven't?" "Why do they have a lot of admirers while I have no one?". Alot of 'WHY' and 'WHY NOT' are in my head.

BUT when GOD tell me this verse (Romans 5:8) , Ifeel sorry because I insulted myself. Jesus said, "The insults you receive fall on me." When we insult GOD's Creation it fall down to Him. He is the one being hurt because of our evil thoughts. Proverbs 4:23 tells, "Be careful with what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts."

Satan is truly a great deceiver but he is nothing with GOD! So whenever we feel like worthless, ugly, evil and whatever negative words you may remember , just pray and read your Holy Bible. Believe that GOD loves you no matter what others (or yourself ) think about you because GOD sees your good heart not your appearance.

And to teenagers like me, never ever think that you are not beautiful because you are not popular like them, you don't have admieres like them, you don't have a flawless skin like them or whatever it is! A lways remind yourself that GOD loves you and HE has a great plan for you! We just have to believe and trust His glory. GOD is faithful to His children and He will never fail us. 


                Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

"I'm no beauty queen I'm just beautiful me."        -Selena Gomez




Sorry po sa super late update!!!!! ^_^v GBU!!

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