Chapter 3

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Iroh stands before his brother, demanding that the water bender be treated better.

"She is only a girl," Iroh argues, "Eight years old and already alienated by your actions."

"She is my prisoner," Ozai says, not looking up from the papers in front of him, "And she will be treated as such."

"Don't you think it would be better to treat her as a guest?" Iroh asks, "If you treat her as your own, she may warm up to you."

"Why would I want the water bender to warm up to me?" Ozai sighs, becoming tired of his brother's pleading.

"You want to use her," Iroh states, "It would be far easier to manipulate someone who loves you, than it would be to manipulate a depressed prisoner who despises you."

Ozai pauses, he finally looks up to his brother and raises an eyebrow.

"She can't be caged up forever; let her be free to walk the palace," Iroh says, "Even if she is under guard, just let her go outside when she needs to, let her interact with other people. Don't treat her like a prisoner, and she could become your greatest asset."

Iroh watches as his younger brother rubs his chin in thought.

"Alright," Ozai says, "But any harm she causes, will fall on your shoulders, brother."

Iroh bows and accepts full responsibility.

When Iroh returns to Katara's room she doesn't even look at him. Katara sits on the floor, staring at the wall.

"Katara," Iroh says, leaving the door open.

"I don't feel like practising today," Katara says, she draws lazy lines on the floor with her fingertips, her movements are slow and it sends a pang of sadness to Iroh's heart.

"Then how about we go out to the gardens," Iroh says, this draws Katara's attention, she stands up quickly and her eyes widen.

"Really?!"Katara beams. Iroh nods his head and immediately Katara bounds over to him at takes his hand.

Iroh takes Katara outside and lets her explore the gardens.

Zuko is in the training room with his sister, the training room is a special room; every royal learns how to bend here. The room is fireproof and has several pools of waters for benders to jump in, in case they set themselves or others on fire. Zuko has been setting himself of fire a lot these past days, his mind is distracted and tired.

"This is the fourth time today," The instructor sighs as Zuko drags himself out of the pool, "Prince Zuko, you must focus your mind."

"I am focused!" Zuko whines, "It's not my fault."

"Yes, it is," Azula sighs, putting her hands on her hips in disapproval, the same look Zuko is used to seeing on his Father's face, "Everything is your fault."

"Leave me alone, Azula," Zuko snaps, his bottom lip quivers as it holds back the threat of a sob.

"Make me." she snaps back, igniting fire on her fists.

Zuko lets out a war cry and attacks his sister, he throws fire at her relentlessly, but it is still he who has to jump into the pools.

A movement from outside catches his attention as he pulls himself out of the pool.

"Who is that?" Azula asks, staring out the window at Katara, "Is that father's special prisoner?"

The instructor nods his head.

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