Chapter 6

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Katara stands on deck of the ship, watching as Zuko becomes obsessed with training.

"The avatar is a hundred-and-twelve-year-old master of the elements," he argues with Iroh, "Teach me the next set."

Zuko has been training for hours while Iroh instructs him, Zuko is getting better, but he is also becoming impatient, which slows down the learning process.

That afternoon, Zuko stands alone on deck, his eyes fixated on the horizon.

"Zuko," Katara says as she walks on deck, "You need to rest."

"No," Zuko says, over the past few days Zuko has become harsher to Katara, he is consumed by his need to capture the avatar, he has no time for those who doubt him.

"We don't even know if it is the avatar," Katara says, "The light could have just been a reflection from the water and ice."

"Are you doubting me?" Zuko asks, turning to Katara, "You of all people, I thought you'd understand."

Katara's eyes widen as a flare shoots up into the sky, she points it out and Zuko turns around and gapes at the red flare.

He goes to the telescope and then finds the abandoned fire ship.

"The avatar," Zuko breathes, "Quite agile for his old age." Zuko turns the telescope and adds, "he's heading for the village."

Katara's heart races as Zuko starts giving orders, storming inside to prepare for the raid, Katara walks over to the telescope and looks through it, finding the village easily.

It looks just as it did when she was younger.

The ship picks up speed and Katara turns her attention to the captain's deck. Smoke blows from the ships engine room as more coal is added to the fires.

Katara flashes back to that day, the day she was taken from her tribe. Katara doesn't remember much about that day, but she can remember running to her mother after seeing the ash-snow, she can remember how her heart was racing, she remembers being singled out by an old lady, she remembers being taken.

But Katara can't remember it all, she doesn't remember what else she did that day, she doesn't remember what happened to her mother and father, she can't remember what happened to her brother. Katara can't remember what happened before she was thrown into the ship's prison.

Katara watches as the village comes into view, Zuko joins her on deck as the ship breaks through the ice.

"Stay on the ship," Zuko orders, putting a hand on Katara's shoulder, "You should go to your room, you don't want to see this."

Katara remains on deck, Zuko goes below with the rest of his raiding party, but Katara stays on deck, clutching the sword at her side.

As the ship comes closer, Katara cans see a young man on top of the tribe's wall, he stands defiantly with a machete in his hand.

Katara can hear the other's in the village panicking, they run into their homes and try to hide. There are no warriors in the tribe, no men ready with spears to greet the Fire Nation.

"Run, you idiot," Katara says, speaking to the young man who remains on top of the wall. The wall is pushed down and the man is pushed aside.

The ship finally stops and the front ramp is opened, Zuko steps out with his men. The young man appears again and charges towards Zuko.

Katara's heart leaps into her throat as the man lets out a war cry, but Zuko is clearly the stronger man, he kicks the other boy aside, the water tribe boy falls off the ramp and lands on his back in the snow.

Katara, of the Fire NationWhere stories live. Discover now