ch. 6

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(A day later)
Carmen laid out in her bed watching Love & Basketball with Blue, as she laid her head between his legs as he ran his fingers thru her hair. "What do you want the gender of the baby to be"Blue randomly asked causing Carmen to look up at him.

"I want a boy.."She said smiling and Blue chuckled "You want a boy? Usually females be juiced to have a girl.."He said and she shrugged "I just want a mini you.."Carmen said smirking and Blue laughed "What if I want a mini you?"He asked kissing her neck causing her to moan.

"You want a girl babe?"She asked smiling at him, "I honestly don't care if it's a girl or boy..or long as their heathy then I'm happy"Blue said wrapping his arms about Carmen pecking her lips, "I love you"He said and Carmen smiled "I love you too Blue"She said burying her head in his chest.

"Can I ask you something babe?"Carmen asked and he nodded "Wassup mamas?"He asked "Why didn't you tell me you were a drug dealer?"She asked and he huffed sitting up facing her, "Cause I was scared I would lose you"He said and Carmen smiled.

"Awe babe! I will never leave matter how mad I am"Carmen said hugging Blue, "You hurry?"Blue asked and she nodded "Kinda..let's go get some McDonald's!"She yelled getting hyped up jumping on the bed and accidentally kicking Blue in the face.

"Carmen! I'm finna beat yo' ass!"He yelled holding his eye, she quickly hopped up from the bed laughing. "I'm sorry were in the way"She said still laughing "In your way my ass..let's go"He said getting off the bed, they headed out the house and got into Blue's car.

"I can't believe you kicked my ass..heavy ass feet"He nurtured making Carmen gasp, "My feet ain't even heavy boy!"She said hitting him the head, "You gon' stop hitting me Carmen..before you make us crash"He said.

"How can you crash just by hitting someone?"She asked and he only laughed "It's a distraction and it depends on how you hit if you punch a motha' fucka while driving welp..Rest in piece playa"He said while switching lanes. "I need to find another job too..since I don't work at that stupid Post Office anymore"Carmen said looking out the window and Blue looked at her like she was crazy.

"You ain't working no more Carmen..not after that shit that nigga pulled nah I'm coo off that"He said pulling into McDonald's driveway. "That was only one time Blue!"She said catching an attitude "Man I ain't even start this with you man.."Blue mumbled.

"Hi welcome to McDonald's what would you like to order?"

Blue turned to Carmen "What you want?"He asked her and she only rolled her eyes looking away from him, making him clench his jaw in anger "I am not finna play these games with you man..what yo' ass want?"He asked trying to stay calm "What ya fuck you want Carmen?!"He shouted losing his patience making Carmen jumped at his sudden outburst.

"10 p-piece nuggets.."She said looking at him, "Can I get a 10 piece of nuggets and two Coca-Cola's and a cheeseburger"He answered into the speaker.

"Okay will that be all?"

"Yes"He spoke looking back at Carmen rolling his eyes.

"That will be 10.45 at the front"

He drove up to the front and handed them a twenty and grabbed the food and sped off, "You love seeing me mad huh?"Blue asked and Carmen only stayed quiet, "Carmen you really pissing me off with this ignoring me all I said was I didn't want you getting another job cause I don't want your dumbass getting hurt again"He said as he started riding their block.

"Oh so I'm a dumbass now?! You piss me off Blue..fucking bastard..I hate you!"She shouted and he only chuckled that only made him more mad, He pulled in front of her house parking the car and snatched up the bag of McDonald's almost ripping the bag as Carmen grabbed the drinks.

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