ch. 7

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< a few weeks later >
Carmen stood in the mirror looking at her little stomach with a frown on her face, she didn't the idea of her body getting bigger after she has the baby because she thought she was already big enough. "You ready babe?"Blue asked as he walked into the bathroom.

They we're going back to New York to go visit his mother so Carmen could finally meet her, "Yeah I'm ready"She said turning towards him causing him to smile, they both started heading out to the car placing their suitcases in the trunk. "Do you think she will like me?"Carmen asked as she got into the car along with Blue.

"I'm sure she'll love your sweet ass"He said chucking starting up the car, "Did you tell her that I was pregnant?"I asked "Nah I'll let you do that.."He said and I rolled my eyes "Why me Blue?! I don't want too..why can't you just tell her she doesn't even know me like that"I whined "Yo's just my moms not my whole family you'll be fine"He said.

"Fine"I said as I turned my head looking out the window, "Ayo you not finna be throwing no attitude when I get to my moms.."He said sternly "Whatever Blue.."I said rolling my eyes "Whatever my ass Carmen..I ain't playing if I just hint a little attitude I'll pull yo' lil ass to the next room so fast"He muttered.

"My baby Bryson!"His mother yelled when she opened the door seeing us, she attacked him with hugs and kisses "Ma you know I hate getting called that.."He groaned annoyed and his mother only rolled her eyes "Boy I named you that so I can call you whatever I want..the hell"She said and smiled when she saw me.

"Awww you must be his beautiful girlfriend! I'm mama Rose"She said and I smiled "I'm's very nice to meet you Mama Rose"I said holding my hand out and she only smiled "Girl put ya hand down..I give hugs around here"She said pulling me into a hug cause me to laugh.

"Well ma we actually have a surprise for you"Blue said as we walked into the beautiful big house, "What? You went back to college?!"She said excited and Blue rolled his eyes "No mom..your going to be a grandma"He said looking at me and Rose gasped.

"I KNOW YOU LYIN?!"She screamed out, she walked over to me and felt over my stomach and gasped "Oh my gosh! You are pregnant chileeeee! I can feel that lil bump coming in.."She said hugging me again, "Now Bryson I should get ya ass!"She yelled chasing after Blue who went off running causing me to laugh.

"Ma! Ma! What I do?!"He yelled out blocking her hits, "Negro how you going to get this beautiful woman pregnant but not put a ring on it..I outtaaaaa knock ya to next week!"She yelled smacking him upside the head.

"Okay ma I got you..but uh where Brandon?"He asked and I furrowed my eyebrow confused "Who's Brandon?"I asked and Rose looked at me "Ooh that's my nephew, Blue's cousin"She said clearing her throat nodding. Blue didn't say nothing he just looked at his mom waiting for an answer.

"And I don't feel like going over Brandon's bad ass I'll tell you in the morning..goodnight Carmen sweetie!"She yelled as she went up the stairs, "Night mama Rose!"I yelled back and I turned to Blue "Now who's Blue? And why did y'all get so weird bringing him up?"I asked.

"That's my cousin but I consider him my lil mom took care of him since he was  a little boy, since my aunt Rebecca couldn't since she moved away but now she's in town and is trying to fight for her son back and Brandon wants nothing to do with her and far as his concerned my mom is his mother not Rebecca"Blue explained and I gasped in shock.

"Wow that's so messed up.."I said and he nodded "Yeah but don't say nothing about it to him he hates when I bring that up.."He said and I nodded then we heard the front door opening and saw a light skin guy walked in with a basketball in his hand and a backpack.

"OH SHIT! Is that my little brother?!"Blue yelled and the guy smiled "Yooooo! When did your ass get here?"He asked dapping him up, "A couple minutes ago, I drove out with my girl to see moms"Blue said and the guy who I was thinking was Brandon looked at me.

"Oh shit my bad I didn't see her..wassup I'm Brandon I'm Blue's brother from another mother basically"He said holding out his hand which I took "I'm Carmen.."I said smiling "Okay brotherrrrrr you got you a dime here"He said causing me to blush. "Don't I know it..but how's basketball and school been going?"Blue asked Brandon who shrugged.

"School cool I guess just waiting for this last year so I can be done with..I got a scholarship from basketball so that's cool"He said and Blue scoffed "Nigga whatcha mean that's cool? That's fantastic playa!"He said hugging Brandon. "But what's been good with auntie Bex? You hit her up?"Blue asked and Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Hell nah I ain't hit her up..if you really cared she would've cane saw me 17 years ago it's too late now"He said with a shrug and Blue only frowned "Aight playa well we finna head to bed..I'll see ya rabbit ass in the morning"Blue said ruffling Brandon's hair.

"Aight scrub.."He said heading up the stairs, Me and Blue headed to the guest room and I changed out my outfit putting on my pajamas as Blue did the same thing, "Babe..who's this light skin woman?"I asked looking at the wall of pictures when a picture of a light skin woman caught my eye.

"Oh that's my Aunt Rebecca

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"Oh that's my Aunt Rebecca.."He said looking at the picture "She's so pretty! Brandon looks just like her"I said and he nodded "Right they like twins.."Blue said hooping in the bed as I did the same, "I don't see how parents can leave there kid for that long..I'll cry if I be away from our kid for that long"I said truthfully.

"Some people are different.."He said turning over in the bed, "You think she likes me?"I asked referring to his mom and he smiled "Hell yeah she likes you she hit me for won her over"He said and I smiled "I love you baby"I said kissing him "I love you too..babe I was thinking about something can I ask you something?"He asked and I nodded.

"Wanna get married?"



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