ch. 9

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(Carmen's mom and sister in mm, with Carmen of course😘)
"He what?!"Carmen's little sister Savannah shouted as Carmen was telling her what she found out at the hospital, "oh hell no hermana! I will fly my ass out there just to beat his ass up..mamá too"Savannah said throwing up her fists, "How long you plan on staying miho?"My mom asked coming in the living room.

"Honestly I don't know mamá long as I need I guess"I said "You can stay however long you want.."She said coming over to hug me, "Everything will be okay hun..I promise"She said disappearing into her bedroom. Savannah came over with a smirk on her face.

"You tryna hit up the club?"She asked smirking "Girl I'm pregnant..I can't go to no club"I said and she frowned " wanna go get some Starbucks and talk about how guys aren't shit?"She asked and I shrugged. "Why not."I said getting up with her as we headed out the house and got into her car.

"Whatever happened with that Marcus guy you were dating?"I asked my sister who had her attention on the road, "His bitch ass had an wife and a family.."She said causing me to gasp "Are you serious?!"I said and she nodded "Yes..I saw it for myself, I went to the mall with one of my friends and I saw him in one of the stores with his family and wife, when I confronted him about it he finally came clean"She said leaving me shook.

"Men are so low down nowadays.."I said and she agreed "I mean thinking maybe I should stay here..Blue obviously doesn't give a hell about me or his unborn children if his so quick to get with some woman he doesn't even know"I said "Girl I don't blame you..cause once a cheater always a cheater"She said.

"We're here.."She said getting out the car, I followed behind her as we walked into Starbucks and she ordered an frappe while I just got myself a sandwich to eat. We sat down at a table and continued having our conversation. "What does he even look like?"My sister asked and I pulled out my phone and brought up a picture of me and him showing it to her. "He looks like a thug.."She said looking up at me to the picture.

"You think everyone with tattoos is a thug.."I mumbled taking a bite of my sandwich "Cause most of the time..they are"She said chuckling, "You really believe that Savannah? So I guess that guy over there standing in line is a thug?"I asked pointing to the light skin man.

they are"She said chuckling, "You really believe that Savannah? So I guess that guy over there standing in line is a thug?"I asked pointing to the light skin man

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"Yeah but if he is I'm willing to risk everything.."She said looking at the man, as I thought he looked familiar I got this weird feeling but shook it off. "It's just something when a man has a weird..I find it so sexy"She said leaning over the table eyeing the guy extra hard. "Carmen! His coming over here!"Savannah whispered yelled.

I looked up and saw the man starring right at me, then he started walking towards our table. "What the hell?"I mumbled to myself, "Wassup ladies, Carmen right?"He said turning to me and my eyes widened "H-how do you know my name?"I asked getting creeped out. "I work for Blue and Nipsey.."He said as he eyed my body hungrily. "Ooh.."Was all I said looking at Sav.

But she was to be busy eyeing this man's lips, "I heard y'all broken up or something"He said looking me in the eyes which made me uncomfortable "Yeah..things just don't work out sometimes"I said and he nodded "I feel ya..I'm Darnell by the way"He said putting out his hand which I hesitated at first but took.

"And I'm Savannah and single.."My sister said wining at him causing him to chuckle, "Well I gotta go ladies, see you around Carmen"He said winking at me before leaving. "Bitchhhhhh he bold! How he gon hit on you when he work for your ex man?! That's some love and hip hop shit right there!"She said as she sipped her frappe. "I have a feeling Blue sent him to spy on me.."I said rolling my eyes.

"Shit at least he a fine spy.."She said causing me to laugh "Your a ready to leave?"Carmen asked, "Yeah let's go cause mamá probably having a fit.."Savannah said as we got up from the table and headed out.

Blue sat in his penthouse drinking from a glass of Hennessy, as he watched Carmen walking out of Starbucks on his computer. I had Darnell keep an eye out of my girl just in case some fishy shit happened, cause the only nigga she ever gon be with is me.

I watched as her and her loud mouth sister got in a car and drove off, "Papi Blue?"I heard making me turn to see my naked hoe Ashley, "Wassup?"I said as I grabbed her by her small waist pulling her towards me making her moan causing me to smirk. "Coming to bed?"She asked. "Yeah..I'll meet you there"I said tapping her butt signaling for her to get up which she did. She walked back towards the room.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my knife stuffing it into my pocket, I walked into the bedroom to see Ashley laid out on the bed staring up at me with a smirk. I walked over to her and started to placed kisses on her face as I pulled out my knife from behind and just like that I sliced her throat causing her to look at me and touch her now bloody neck where blood was squirting out. I watched as her body laid flat on my bed.

"Bitch really thought we was gon' fuck again.."I said chucking as I pulled out my blunt lighting it, I walked back over to my computer and saw Carmen laying down in a bed. I smirked when I realized she had nothing on, I watched as her hands disappeared under the covers.

Then her soft moans sounded off from my computer, making me hard like a rock all of a sudden. "B-Blue..Ooh right there"She moaned out and I smirked even harder, she missed daddy I thought to myself. Then after a couple of minutes she had fallen asleep.

I shut my computer down and went in my bedroom and grabbed my phone and texted Darnell.

Me - get her and bring her back to me..

D - bet.

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