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"Yes im hurting, yes I'm jaded, most of these things I don't wanna say."

-Drake x Jaded


"Manny, what is this, it tastes like medicine."

"It's sizzurp." He replied chuckling. "You need to loosen up a bit. That'll help."

I sighed staring out the window. Feeling my self begin to become more worried. This stuff wasn't helping.

"Can I at least see a picture off him. You out of all people should know I don't like surprises."

"Mir, I can't. That's why it's called a 'blind date'." He smiled towards me through the rear view mirror.

"Ok. I guess I'll just wait. Although he could be a damn serial killer or something."

He shook his head in frustration. "I know him Mir. He's a good dude."

I sat back continuing to sip on this purple looking drink slowly feeling a little calm.

"Alright, thats enough of that." Manny told me stopping the car and turning around taking the cup out of my hand.

"We're here?"

"No, we're at a red light." He smirked then turned back around.

I slowly began to drift away thinking about Malak. I know I shouldn't but he was the love of my life. And still is. He's done horrible things to me but for some reason my heart still wants him. It's been a year. I guess it's time to move on.

"Nahmir!" Manny yelled awakening me from my thoughts.


"We're here. You ready?" He asked as I just replied by nodding. I wasn't ready. I will never be.

He walked me to the door and stopped me.

"Nahmir you have to allow yourself to be happy." He smiled cupping my cheek. "You hear me?"

"I hear you."

"Alright. Have fun. Ok? Call me when your ready." He kissed my cheek and walked away.

I took a deep breath and walked in to the restaurant looking for a tall light skin boy.

"Nahmir?" A person asked tapping my shoulder from behind.

"Yea. Are you Mateo?"

"That's me. Nice to meet you." He replied holding his hand out. "Nice to meet you too." I smiled shaking it.

"Lemme get this for ya." He voiced pulling the seat out as I sat down.

He sat down pulling off his coat. "So tell me a little about yourself."

"Um there's not really that much to know about me." I said playing with one of my dreads.

He chuckled. "I doubt that."

"Damn." He noted surprised taking a sip of his drink.

"Yup. And told me it was my fault!"

"That he cheated!? He sound like a fuck ass nigga."

"He is." I chuckled.

"You know Nahmir-

"Just call me Mir." I cut him off.

"Well Mir, I wanted to say I don't think that we should date." He frowned as I sighed in relief.

"Thank god you said that. You're too much of a friend to me." I said as we both laughed.

"Also, I don't think two bottoms could really do anything."

"How you assume I'm a bottom!?" I asked putting the rest of my food in the container.

"I know one when I see one."

"Whatever." I smiled getting a text from Manny saying he was outside.

"Well my rides here. It was nice to meet you Mateo."

"Nice to meet you too. I, um don't know if this is creepy but can I get your number?" He cheesed nervously.

"Duh!" I joked writing my number down on a napkin.

"Thanks. I guess I'll see you around."

"Bye Mateo." I waved walking out of the restaurant to the car.

As I approached the car I saw Manny cheesing hard as hell in the window.

"Soooo, how was it?" He tickled me as I got in.

"Stoppp!" I blushed hiding my face in my hands. "It was good. We're just friends though."

"What? Why?"

"Because we want it to be that way. He's really nice though."

"Well I guess that's good but I really wanted you to get some dick." He said pulling off.

"Manny, please stop."

"What! You haven't had sex in a whole year."

"And I'm fine with that. I've caught up on Grey's Anatomy and I go to scrapbooking classes with mommy-

"Which are things you do when you don't get dick."

"Whatever. Is Mia at home?" I asked putting my dreads in a bun leaving two out in the front.

"I don't know she prolly somewhere getting high."

"Oh my god. You think she used my honey berry backwoods? I left them on the counter. And those are my favorite." I pouted.

"I doubt it Mir. I don't think she wants to hear you crying all night."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes turning up the radio.


"Mia, did you use my backwoods?" I yelled running inside the apartment.

"No boy they're still on the counter." She said as I let out a sigh of relief. Honey berry is my absolute favorite.

"So how'd it go?"

"They're just 'fRiENdS'." Manny told her doing those finger quotations.

"Damn, Nahmir do you even want dick?"

"Can people stop saying I need that. I don't!" I yelled getting ready to roll up a blunt.

"You see how mad he just got? He need sum-


"Ok, ok! We done." They replied resisting.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Bipolar." I heard Manny whisper.

"Don't ask to take a hit."

umm so this is my first bxb book so I don't know what I'm doing wrong or right but I hope you enjoyed🤗

feel free to leave feedback❤️

2:30 PM

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