lemon kush

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"Shorty you the best I've ever had by far so imma treat you better than your last by far."

-Vedo x Dilemma, Remake

"So when did you start dealing?" I asked Tay as I took a sip of my sprite. We've been going out a lot trying to learn each other.

"Shit when I got kicked out. My crack head parents chose the drugs over me."

"I'm sorry."

"You ain't gotta be sorry. You ain't do it. When you started smoking?"

"When I was diagnosed with anxiety. Weed has always been a way to calm me down."

"Damn. But um is you gon eat that?" He asked pointing to my half eaten burger.

"Here greedy. I know yo grandma be feeding you."

"I'm not about to let a perfectly fine burger go to waste. I wouldn't able to live with myself." He shrugged stuffing it in his mouth.

"Big mouth ass. Come on let's go to the park."

He finished his burger getting up grabbing my hand as we walked out.

"When we get there you gotta pus-

"MOVE!!" Tay screamed pulling me back making me trip a little.


"Nahmir, you have to be careful! You almost got fucking hit."

"I-I'm sorry Taymor." I replied tearing up.

He sighed pull me into his arms. "Look don't cry. I just don't want you getting hurt. You hear me?"

I nodded.

"He actually cares about me. My own birth parents didn't even care about me. The only people that genuinely care about me is Mia, Manny and my adoption mom." I thought squeezing

"You Okay?" He asked concerned by how hard I was squeezing him.


"Come on let's go."

As we got to the park Tay pulled my hand running to the slides.

"Alright lil kid."

"Lemme see how quick you can slide down."

"Niggah this ain't 13 reasons why. Do I look like Hannah baker?!" I asked as he chuckled.

"Boy I'm not about to take no damn pictures of you. You don't even have on a got damn skirt."

"Alright I guess you got a point."

"I know I do now go up there." He stated as I walked up the lil kiddie stairs to the slide.

"You deadass look like a kid."

"Shut upppp." I blushed sliding down. I actually like being called a kid.

We played on numerous items laughing and joking and just acting like kids.

"Come here." I motioned Tay to sit by me on the slides pulling a blunt out of my pocket.

"Really Nahmir at the park!? Where kids play?"

"Are there any kids here? No. And if they was I would let em take a hit." I admitted sparking it up.

"You a pothead."

"And I take pride in it."

He shook his head laughing as he took a pull from the blunt. How you gon get on my case but- never mind.

"This taste like lemonade."

"Oop you was close. It's lemon kush." I told him as he scrunched up his face.

"That's the same thing."

"Actually lemonade is sweeter than lemon kush."

"I guess that makes sense." He replied looking down at his phone. "We gotta go."

"Why, what happened?"

"Nothing I just gotta pick up some. You wanna ride with me or-

"I'm riding with you."

"Well come on lil mama."

We rode for a while until we pulled up to this place which I could tell was the 'trap' house,

"You wanna come in or-

"Nah imma stay in here." I cut told him. He nodded and walked in locking the doors.

I watched Tay as he knocked on the door and was eventually let in by a tall darkskin man with waves and a beard.

"Damn." I mumbled to myself.

They walked in and I looked around the car. I saw this as my chance to be a little nosey.

I looked in the glove department discovering some CDs, who the fuck still unused those. And some candy.

"Don't mind if I do." I thought to myself unwrapping the candy and popping it in my mouth.

I dug around in the arm rest looking through little Knick knacks until I came across bi-polar depression pills.

"What the." I said looking up to see Tay coming out of the house. I tried to put everything like it was sitting back in my seat attempting to look normal.

Tay popped the trunk putting the boxes in then getting in the drivers seat.

"You good?"


"Alright. Now come on let's get ya home."

"Manny promise me you won't tell Mateo."

"I promise Nahmir I won't tell Mateo."

"Or anyone else either."

"Damn I promise. What you find? Some condoms?"

"No. I found pills."

"What kind. Viagra?"

I shook my head. "Manny I found bi- polar depression pills."

"What? Bro that's Malak all over-

"Again, I know. But I really like Tay. It's like he actually cares about me. Not a lot of people do."

"Nahmir you said the same thing about Malak. Look don't get me wrong, I wanna see you happy. But I watched Malak tear you down and put you through shit for three years. And I refuse to do it again."

"I don't know what to do."

tell me why I'm watching author and this hoe D.W pissin me off😡

and school finna start back so I'm debating just dropping out🙄

but anyways I hope y'all enjoyed. and if you starting back school just know I'm praying for ya sis

3:43 AM

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