[ tortas & pressed music ]

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as y'all both started walking to the torta stand, ruby handed you his phone and let you play sum loud ass music on his phone. you played sum a$ap rocky & tyler, adding a lil xxxtentacion .

your pov ;;
bitchisweartomfgod. as the remedy for a broken heart and 777 played by x,, i couldn't help but have memories ab jahseh in my head . " you okay ? " ruby asked, concerned . i nodded and continued walking . " i-i'm just pressed about jahseh " i sighed as he agreed " me too, he was way too young . " the rest of the walk to the torta stand was filled with silence, not weird silence, but to be enjoyed in memory of jahseh .

ruby's pov ;;
i walked up to the torta stand and let [y/n] order, i admired her as she did. the small lights shining on her face, revealing the small traces of mascara under her eyes, but her highlight shining brightly in the light, i was caught off by me looking at her and me realizing i had to pay. i did so and we walked away from the stand. [y/n] walked drunkly as i did as well, but i still tried to catch her incase she fell .

your pov ;;
we finally got back to my house and i opened the door, and bit into my torta, i couldn't even explain how fucking good that foo tastes, i ate that shit rq and ended up passing out on the couch. before falling asleep, i could see ruby admiring me and messing around with my hair, i also felt him pick me up and take me upstairs

ruby's pov ;;
she looked so pretty when she was sleeping, that makes me sound like such a fucking weird ass- but, still. she did. being the nice ruby i am, i decided to pick her up and carry her up to her room. i laid her down and took her shoes off, covering her with the blankets and getting under with her, i did end up falling asleep soon enough.

{ the next day }

your pov ;;
i woke up to the pounding noises on my door from my mama, i groaned and sat up. my head fucking pounding as i sat up, rubbing my head and eyes, looking over just to see who? oh- i remember . ruby. my eyes widened as i shook him. the background coming from my mama still " [y/n] ! abre esta jodida puerta ahora ! "
' [y/n] open this fucking door right now ! '.

he woke up, having the same feeling as me. "r-ruby,, you have to get out, i-i'll text you later" he seemed confused at first but soon noticed, he got up and grabbed his phone && decided to hop out of the window, he waved at me. i waved back and got up to open the door , "hola mama! " you smiled, but knew you were gonna get your ass beat .
"¿ por qué coño estás cerrando la maldita puerta ? no hagas esa mierda de nueva idiota! "
' why the fuck are you locking this god damn door? don't do that shit again, dumbass '

you stood there in silence as your
mom stormed off, you sat back down on the bed, wanting to apologize to ruby so bad. you texted him.

ruby's number

' i'm so sorry, i didn't know my mama would do that shit . come over later? '

' it's fine,  but yuh , sure i will drop by later. '

' aight , i'll see you later. '


ruby's pov ;;
it's weird- i know i only met her last night, buh it feels like i've known her for so long . yeah- some of the night was a blur buh i still remembered most of her. she made me feel different. i-i know it's weird how i just met her and need to know her better, it's just- different from any one i've ever had . i feel a strong attachment to her .


sorry i didn't update this fo like 28289274827282782 days,, i'm sorry && yuh this chapter was pretty long lmaksjwhs

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