am i unhappy now? (why part 2)

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AHAHAHA I PROMISE TO CONTINUE THIS FROM WHY? Soo this is part 2, from the others request
-vmon and namkook ar otw of making
-but i might publish it after i return from japan... If..i return
If god allows me to live then ill continue to continue this book if im still alive...
Well thats enough bout that
Hope u guys enjoy this chapter


After the incident both of them never spoken to each other again, jin went to their... Yoongi's apartment to pick up namjoon's stuff, as he was using namjoon's key to enter he met with Hoseok in the for but just bowed slightly and gazed on him while he entered the room and took namjoon's belonging and putting I in a bag.
After he finished putting it all, jin smiled at Hoseok but it was more of a grin than a pleasent smile "thanks.. For fucking it up yoongz... Appreciate it...and NEVER ever come near me and my princess ever again.. " as he walked out the door carrying his bags leaving a very pissed of yoongi standing there.
Jin at the end asked namjoon to date him,  which he accepted while yoongi accepted to date Hoseok which made Hoseok very happy but their relationship was just a one sided love since well we know why.
days turn into weeks, weeks turns into months, months became years. its been 2 years since that incident ,and yoongi's situation you could say was at rock bottom. He got fired from his job because he started to lose passion to produce and make songs,he started drinking and would be very abussive with his lover and if you were wondering hoseok was dating him, at first he was happy but now he isnt happy at all , he was once madly in love with yoongi the cool,savage, and caring person but that person is gone now the person in front of him now was a abussive, alcoholic, emotional male that would punch him or slap him everytime he made a mistake.
so hoseok dissapeared in the middle of the night bringing every stuff he had, leaving yoongi all by himself. Once hoseok left him he notice that the once warm and comfortable place became a cold and empty space that he was now living in empty place with noone but his lonely self. He then remembered namjoon, and how is he right now or where is he... maybe he's catching some crabs by the sea shore and eating some banana ryan ice scream as he was listening to drake dancing like a machine he giggled slighlty as he felt tears coming out of his eyes, he slowly stood up and walked over toward the bathroom sink as he washes his face with water. he then looked at his reflection and for once in wanted to change they way he is... maybe namjoon would talk to him and maybe... Maybe if God is really y there he would make namjoon take him back, so he started to stop drinking and worked hard for his old job, he became the total opposite of his old self, he's now friendlier, kinder heck he always smiles, but he never felt happiness except if he remembers the good old times he had spent with namjoon. He just smiled and looked over towards his computer "well let's get back to work shall we"we as he begins to compose.
Now he was nervous, he was shivering as he was holding a bouqe of Res rose in his left hand and a Ryan plushie on his right, he was in front of namjoon's home which he found from Facebook. It was nerve wrecking for yoongi.. He felt like every breath he takes is like swallowing a cup of nails as it was stuck on his throath, but he pulls out his courage and knocked on the door *ding dong* he heard the bell rang, the door slowly opened showing a young boy maybe at the age of 10 with black hair and a simply face that reminds him of namjoon, he shookes his head and he spoke "excuse me... Little boy but does Kim namjoon live here?" he asked not so sure, "oh you mean mom? He's out on a date with dad right now.. Only me and my brother are here... Are you his friend Mister?",yoongi felt a pain in his chest as he heard the little boy "a-and whats your daddy's name?" he stutered a bit "kim seokjin, the both got married a a year and a half ago and adopted us a year ago.. My name is kim suga and thats kim holly my little sister.. " he smilled showing his dimples to me. I almost lost energy on my legs as i heard he has gotten married to seokjin... I have the plushie and roses to the boy "uhm.. Can you give this to your mommy? And tell her that im sorry? Can you do that as a favor suga?" he asked the boy with his nickname namjoon use to call him, "sure mister...", "min... Mister nim.. Well take care of your sister and send my regards to your parents okay?" as i ruffled his hair and quickly walked towards my car and drove off, tears were coming out of my eyes as i drove back home... Not noticing the red light in front of me....


I wish you the best of happiness
That i could never give you
My one and only love
Like the seasons that keeps changing
Like a leaf that turns to brown
Nothing could last forever
So cherish it will it last
Sooooooo that's it for this chapter...
I'm sorry if it's bad..
Im just losing the purpose to write, eat,  live everytime I breath...
I sound like a drama queen..
I'm sorry to even talk about this
Don't forget to
on what ships next and what you guys think.... About this shittty book and the other...
I'm sorry
I'm sorry to talk about this
To take a hiatus again...

See you guys on the next chapter..
@joonjooniexxx out peace

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