Only time

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As Richie stumbled through all the old alleyways, he knew no matter how long it and how much he tried to sidetrack, he would always make it home. For the past 3 years, Richie had been abused by his alcoholic parents but it had never been this bad. The only one he felt close to, that he felt like actually accepted him was Eddie Kaspbrak. Eddie knew about the abuse and would always be the one comforting him. Seeing right through Richie's lies when he came to school with bloodshot eyes and cuts. Eddie always kept his window open. Letting Richie slip through whatever time of night. Eddie, personally, loved that Richie trusted him. Laying with him and wiping tears off of his face. But he didn't know it was this bad.

Richie walked in front of his house, he could hear the arguments all the way out here. He reluctantly walked in the door wincing as he put down his bag from the bruise on his arm. He noticed the presence of a strong smell of alcohol as it filled the house. He never quite knew what they were drinking as it changed every day. He walked past the lounge where his parents were holding his breath trying to go unnoticed. He opened the fridge and noticed there was no food again as he turned around to get water he noticed his father was standing behind him. "Good afternoon dad, how was your day?" Richie said feebly, "Make food for me." his dad replied bluntly. "I would of course, but we don't have any food at the moment. So if you gave me some money to go down the road and get some food or ingredients I would be happy to make your food." Richie said carefully, "Do you think money grows on trees?" his dad replied getting angry "Make your own money!" "No of course not, I'm trying to get a job, but I haven't been able to yet" Richie replied praying not to get into a fight with him.

"So make me fucking food Richard!" "I-I can't dad we have literally nothing to make it with," Richie said starting to turn away. As he turned around he felt something sharp smash against his back and something warm trickle down, his eyes pricked with tears and he turned around to see what it was. He saw his dad holding another glass and he took a sharp breath in. His dad threw it this time it landed in Richie's torso causing him to double over in pain. "Ah fuck," he said under his breath. His dad walked up to him, "Next time you will make food when I want you to. Understand?", Richie nodded "I said do you understand!" His father bellowed out while kicking his shin. "Y-y-yes dad," He said starting to cry. "Don't fucking cry you pussy!" His dad kicked him one more time in the torso and then walked out of the house, his mother close behind him. Richie stumbled to his room trying not to wince in pain. He grabbed his phone and rung Eddie 

"Hey Rich, what's up?" Eddie said cheerily, "Eds pl-please" Richie managed to force out. "What's wrong? Are you ok? Are you at home? What's happening? I'm coming over!" Eddie said all at once. Richie managed a smile at how sweet Eddie was being. Eddie ran outside, ignoring his mother's calls and biked over to Richie's as fast as he could. He ran into the house, the smell of alcohol stronger then Eddie has ever smelt. He walked through the kitchen crunching on the glass that slipped off Richie's back before he went upstairs.

Richie could feel the pieces of glass going deeper in his back as he lay on his stomach his face scrunched up in pain. Eddie heard him groaning walked in "Hey Rich," He gasped as he saw Richies back, the glass shining against the light and his shirt soaked in dark red blood. Richie noticed him and sat up wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Ello Eds," "Richie what the fuck happened?" Eddie said grabbing Richie's hand causing both of them to go red. "Where is the first aid kit, Rich? Take me to it" Eddie said. Richie led him to the bathroom "sit," Eddie said pointing at the toilet.

Richie straddled the toilet and Eddie cut his top off. "Can't wait to get it can you?" Richie said laughing. "You're still making jokes at a time like this? What goes through your head" "A lot" Richie said trying to look mysterious. 

It took Eddie an hour to get the little pieces of glass out and to bandage up all of it. Richie looked into Eddie's eyes, "why didn't you tell me how bad it was getting Rich?" "I didn't want to burden you with it" He replied looking at the ground. Eddie grabbed his face softly, "Don't you ever feel like you are ever burdening me. Do you hear me?" Richie blushed at the fierceness and the way Eddie was holding his head, "I promise Eddie" he said finally looking up at him again.

 Eddie looked at him for a little bit then proceeded to straddle Richie, who was still sitting on the toilet. "Richie, I am going to get you out of here. I promise" "Eddie, what did I do to deserve you?" he replied starting to cry again. Eddie wiped his eyes and leaned down, his forehead against his. "I will never ever leave you, Richie. You deserve the world" He didn't give Richie a chance to reply and he kissed his chapped lips softly at first. Richie was taken aback but kissed back passionately. Richie knew he was safe when he was with Eddie, and although Richie was always joking around and having fun, Eddie knew that he craved lov

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