Moving Time

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Stanley prepared the bed for him with new sheets and some towels. He was excited and nervous, he didn't want Richie to be hurt anymore. Meanwhile, Eddie was biking to Richie's house when his mum called him "Eddie bear, where are you? I have your favourite dinner ready" "Ma, I will be home soon. Just...finishing this movie with Richie and I will be straight home." "Ok be safe I don't like that Richie boy." "I know ma" "Love you Eddie" "Love you too mum" Eddie rolled his eyes and closed his phone as he got in front of Richie's house.  He opened the door and headed up the stairs, eyes wondering in search to see his parents if they were home. He opened the door lightly trying to not to wake Richie up but when he walked in the room Richie was nowhere to be found. Eddie took a deep breath and just assumed he was going to the bathroom not wanting to think the worst. He looked around the rest of the upstairs before stopping outside the bathroom and he heard a sniffle and the water running in the bathroom so he knocked. No reply. He knocked again still no reply. He was getting worried so he picked the lock and barged in. He was horrified at the sight that awaited him, as he stepped in there was water flooding the bathroom and he could see Richie laying in the bath his eyes closed with tears flooding down his face. His face was flushed red from the heat and he was holding a shiny silver blade in his hands "1..2.." "RICHIE STOP" Eddie lunged into the bath and grabbed the blade, cutting his hand a little he burst into tears at the sight of Richie. Richie looked at him, his eyes red from crying so much "Eddie please I want to die...Eds" Richie said sobbing "No Richie you don't please. I have sorted it all out. You will get away from your parents. Rich, I love you" Richie looked at him and then quickly hid trying to cover his face. "This is so embarrassing, I am so sorry Eddie. Leave I am to much trouble for you." "No, you are not you are worth so much for me. Nothing is to much trouble from you."Eddie hopped out of the bath and grabbed a towel for Richie. Richie looked at him and started to get out of the bath, he couldn't get out because he was shaking so much Eddie helped him out and by this time he could see how bad Richie had cut his legs and he was trying so hard to stay strong for Richie passing him a towel he led him to his bed and sat him down. "I am going to go clean up the bathroom. I will be back. Don't do anything please Richie." Richie just flopped down. Eddie went into the bathroom and cleaned it up. He threw out all the blades and sat on the toilet crying. When he had stopped he walked into Richie's room. "Richie baby, I am going to pack up some clothes and take you to Stans, you're going to bunk with him for a little bit" Richie nodded and helped Eddie. 

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