ˢᴵˣ ⁻THE BROKEN BOND ² || ˢᵁᴳᴬᴹᴼᴺ

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"I'd break my own heart and used those pisces to fix yours

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"I'd break my own heart and used those pisces to fix yours."


WARNING : Mpreg, accident, depression


"Who is he Namjoon??" asked Hoseok once again, gritted his teeth where everyone can see how much he had put the pressure on his jawline to be that tense.

Namjoon is shaking at the stern voice and his eyes started to brim with tears. His hand tugging on the hem of Seokjin's shirt, eyes quivering at his own laps, too scared to exchange look with the angered Hoseok. The alpha tone sounded too scary and Namjoon is in the brink of panick attack.

"Tell me Namjoon!!"


Everyone in the room almost got the heart attack at the screaming. Namjoon is terribly shaking on his bed and Seokjin is trying to console him while his eyes shoot a sharp glare at Hoseok.

"Excuse me..."

Hoseok mouth gaped to urge on Namjoon once again when the angelic voice interupted their tense confrontation in the white room. All of them turn their head towards the woman in white robe, holding a blue file on her right hand staring at the BTS with a stern gaze. Ignoring all the male there, Dr Han approaching Namjoon that still shaking in Seokjin's arm.

"Sorry but I don't think you have the right to ask Namjoon the question right now,"said Dr Han, eyes on Hoseok that seems disagreed with the female beta.

Dr Han scoffs at the expression before she took Namjoon hand when Seokjin moved his body to the side of the bed, giving the space for the doctor to check on Namjoon. Namjoon lifted his head, looking at Dr Han with the sad eyes, face was wet with his tears. Dr Han bit her lower lips out of rage that Namjoon's pack had the tendency to pressure him at his current state.

"We are his pack and we have the right to know!" scowl Hoseok. Everyone in the room except Yoongi and Seokjin nodded their head, in unison with Hoseok.

Dr Han glared at Hoseok that is growling against her, showing his alpha power to intimidate the beta. But Dr Han didn't quivered at the threat, she is much more stronger than what the alpha thought of her. Her eyes batting on Hoseok, with no one to admit defeat. The air in the room become more tense and clouded with the pheromones of both alpha and beta.

"As the role of the alpha in the pack, how come you can't even sense the distress of your omega? He had been carried the baby for almost two month. Well 7 weeks to be precised and all of you don't even realised his changes for one fucking day? But still you had the gut to show your pathetic alpha attitude towards me? What a jerk!" chidded Dr Han nonchalantly.

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