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"Everything that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form"

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"Everything that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form"

"Everything that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form"

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Jungkook escaped with a mild concussion. Everyone was worried since he hurt himself when he was little. It is well known that a little didn't have a high tolerance in coping with pain. That is why Jungkook is crying out loud to enunciate his pain. But they were lucky after two stitches at the end of his left brow, he didn't need to be admitted.

Seokjin walked through the hallway, heading towards Namjoon's room as he wanted to have a talk with the little. When he entered the room, Namjoon was sitting at the corner of the room, doing some works at his desk. Seokjin sighed at the view.


Namjoon turned around and saw Seokjin entering the room and slumped his nice ass on the bed - without breaking the eye contact with the younger.

"Can we talk now Joonie? About what had happened earlier?" said Seokjin with a strained voice, a hint that it's going to be a very serious discussion.

Namjoon gulped before he nodded slowly. "Of course hyung. And, I'm not little so you can talk with ease..."

Seokjin was taken aback and gawking at the younger in front of him. Namjoon looks very calm and Seokjin's heart pounding at the view. He somehow didn't like when Namjoon forcing him out from the little space.

"Joonie...you didn't need to..."

"It's okay hyung. And it was a mistake after all. I shouldn't push Jungkook. He just wants to play with Ryan and I'm being a brat. As you said, I need to be more considerate towards Jungkook and Taehyung. I'm not giving a good example to my dongsaeng. I'm sorry, hyung..." intercepts Namjoon, exceptionally calm.

Seokjin frowned. "Joon... I was..."

"Eventhough I'm not in a little space I still need my punishment hyung. Well, maybe it looks awkward to receive it now but it's okay for me though..."

Seokjin paused for a moment, eyes on Namjoon. Seokjin didn't feel right to do this, not when Namjoon is not little.

"How...how's Jungkook?" asked Namjoon after Seokjin just kept quiet.

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