Chapter 16 - Information

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A few days later, August the second of 2379. Admiral Alynna Nechayev sat in her office. "Computer," she commanded, "access and add to a file called Operation Mirror Chameleon."


"Current observations from the Enterprise-E include variable radiation bands, all coming from the chi spectrum in the Denab System. Variant radiation pulses are confined to a space of approximately one cubic light year. Currently, the specifics about the location are only known to the following persons – this report writer, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and four researchers, namely, Commander Martin Madden, Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge, Lieutenant Reginald Barclay and an android designated as B-4. The full significance of this location and these tests are only known to the report writer."

She paused to think a bit. "It is my considered opinion that these pulse shots are of a Tactical nature, and to develop something similar could provide a Tactical advantage. However, official research, investigation, testing and implementation would likely be considered to be in direct violation of several treaties. In particular, as chi spectrum radiation has known cloaking applications, it would be considered to be a direct violation of the Treaty of Algeron if further investigations were to overtly continue."

She took a breath. "Therefore, it is my considered opinion that an ionization diffuser, such as is found on the non-Federation ship known as the," she inadvertently snorted a tiny bit, "Cookie, could prove to be a part of an effective defense if these pulse shots were to finally punch through. I suspect that an incursion is the likely intention behind these pulse shots. I fear that our next military threat will come, not from the Andorians, the Romulans, the Breen, the Jem'Hadar, the Klingons, the Vorta, the Cardassians or even the Borg – I fear that it will be an interdimensional invasion."

She took a sip from a tumbler of water that was on her desk. "Further, I suspect the Cookie may very well have other helpful inventions or near-inventions. Our operative is in place and is conducting an investigation into that ship's operations. Expect some possible delays in reporting as our operative is posing as an athlete and is required to practice, play and otherwise train as a part of cover."

She clicked around a little on her PADD. "Computer, attach the following files to this file – image one, showing the Cookie's Engineering section; image two, showing a close-up of the warp containment field monitoring station; image three, showing a close-up of the Tactical array; image four, showing a close-up of the communications station; image five, showing Sick Bay; image six, showing the pilot's station; image seven, showing a close-up of an off-Bridge station which may or may not be connected to the actual ionization diffuser; image eight, showing the entire team; image nine, showing the Black Sheep team's current, complete playing and travel schedule; and image ten, showing M. Dana MacKenzie's full legal file."

Attached to the file.

"Good. We currently have an operative on Andoria but not with the Federation Diplomatic Attaché on Andoria, Human Unit. The operative will attend the upcoming game and will obtain autographs from a number of players. This will include the obtaining of an autograph from our inside operative, which will also serve as the point of transfer of any vital information. If any information is requested, let me know. As always, we will disavow all knowledge in the event of the capture or revelation of the existence of our operatives. Respectfully submitted, Admiral Alynna Nechayev."

She coughed slightly. "Computer, send to the standard masked transfer point, utilizing all regular encryption coding and procedures."


She settled back in her chair and allowed herself a smile. "Good."


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