Chapter 21 - Farewells

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They had been together for a few days, attending the fair and a small reception as well. Hobie had acted the part of an attentive and romantic boyfriend or at least escort, dancing with Mack, pulling out chairs for her and standing in her presence.

Mack had reciprocated by dutifully laughing at his jokes, dressing up for him and spending as much time with him as possible, turning off her PADD entirely.

As for sex, it was not out of the question, and they found that, as they got to know one another a bit better, the experience improved. She didn't cry again afterwards, and he had better staying power. And, as she had insisted, he kept his hands off her breasts. Whatever trauma had occurred, and however she had come to be uneven, he wasn't sure he wanted to know just yet.

On the morning of their fourth day together, Hobie got up first and checked messages. At the top of the list, in flashing red, there was an urgent one. "Damn," he muttered, reading the message to himself.

"What is it?" Dana asked.

"Oh, we've got maneuvers. Andorian ambassador's heading to Klingon space. They want a fleet escort and some extra guards – that's us."


"I gotta be a part of this. I never let the guys do anything I wouldn't do myself. So I'll be deployed, too."

"I should check messages, too," Mack agreed. She turned to her PADD for the first time in days, and there were a ton of fast-moving flashes. "I guess I got a few messages," she commented sheepishly. She began thumbing through them. Five of them were from Marty; she'd open them later, in private. There were a few from Majira, mainly reporting on Grosk's condition but also asking whether Mack herself required any medical care. Wesley reported on his findings – he had been continuing to check the Cookie's engine and other systems during the overall furlough. Crita had sent a few images of her painting of the Grand Canyon as it progressed.

Daniya just sent one message, which made Mack laugh. Well, how is he? She didn't answer that one.

There were two other messages – one was from a promoter on Tellar, the other from a freighter captain.

"I, uh," she said as she read her mail, "it looks like there's interest in having the team come and play elsewhere. It, uh, the game here really helped. Looks like it's getting everything off the ground."

"Yeah." His tone was one of some disappointment.

"Not just that. You, you helped, Kent," She kissed him. "You did."

"I'll miss you," he confessed. "I, I don't miss Sandy, not anymore. I miss the girls, of course. But, uh, you helped me, too. It, um, it wasn't just about, uh, about getting laid."

"Thanks. And, well, same here." They kissed.

"The, um, the long distance thing. I can't pretend that it's easy," he mumbled.

"I guess I'll have to start worrying about you, Kent."

"I'll start worrying about you, too, Dana."

"I better, um, I better tell my team we'll be shipping out soon."

"I gotta make the same speech to my men. You'll win the next one, y'know."

"Maybe. There are no guarantees, Kent."

"It's not a guarantee. It's just, I got a feeling."


On the Enterprise, they finally left the Denab System, bound for the Kreetassan System.

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