Chapter 17 - Blocked Goals

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They arrived on Andoria in three days, as Daniya had predicted.

For each of those nights, they had watched a classic hockey game together. After the Miracle on Ice, they had watched the May 10, 1970 decisive Stanley Cup Final game between the Boston Bruins and the St. Louis Blues, with Bobby Orr's spectacular winning goal. They had also watched the first-ever Stanley Cup final game after the end of the Third World War, an emotional 2065 game between the Western Canadian Prairiemen and the Eastern European Jackals.

The players had been chosen – eight starters including Mack, and twenty-five bench warmers – and they were all excited. There were another eight alternates. Even the nine athletes who had not been chosen as alternates, starters or bench players were still a part of the overall preparations. Someone always needed to practice shooting on goal or passing the puck or accepting a pass, and their fellow team members were only too glad to assist.

The Cookie touched down in Bay #15 on Andoria, a slightly bumpy landing but still a good one. Mack and her inner circle got to the front first, as Wes opened up the hatch, with the seven other starters behind them, then the twenty-five bench players, the eight alternates and, bringing up the rear, the nine remaining team members.

There was a sight that made Mack's jaw drop as the hatch opened. It was a full MACO honor guard. Hobie stood at the front, in a full dress uni, with two flag bearers behind him. One held the flag of the United Federation of Planets. The other held the Andorian flag. Another half-dozen soldiers stood behind, saluting. Behind them were maybe another three dozen, at full attention. Mack realized they were likely the team, including the bench players for the MACO unit.

Mack was a tad embarrassed, wearing just her usual jersey, jeans and sneakers. Everyone else was in basic workout gear. To her relief, at least they were clean, more or less. She bounded down the gangway, and her inner circle followed. "Major?" she asked.

He relaxed and adopted an at ease posture, and shook her hand. "Welcome to Andoria."

"Thanks," she smiled. "This is quite the welcoming committee."

"I don't believe in half-measures."

"I suppose not. We're really glad to be here."

"Our facility is yours," he replied. "We can lock the bay doors at night for security, if you like."

"Good. Or I guess we could lock the ship." She was suddenly acutely aware that she had a huge audience. "This is my inner circle. Wes is my engineer. Daniya is the pilot. Majira is our CMO, and Crita is the Communications Officer. Directly behind us are our seven other expected starters, and right behind them is the expected bench."

"Got it. The color guard are our starters, with the rest of the starters immediately behind them. Behind them is the bench. I haven't quite decided on some of them. It might turn out that there are a few game day decisions."

"Fair enough," she replied. "That's your prerogative, of course. Will you be playing?"

"I, uh, no, probably not," he confessed, "Will you?"

"Yep," Mack confirmed, "I'll be playing."

"Huh. Well, I'll remember that if anyone checks you into the boards. The officiating crew will be local Andorian citizens. They've been studying the rules, but I don't expect perfection. They'll probably be checking the replay a lot. I hope you don't mind." He looked up, as if he'd suddenly realized something. "Company!" he bellowed at his troops, "Dismissed!"

"I was wondering when you were gonna let 'em go," noted Mack. "This is a lotta pomp and circumstance for little old us."

"It's not a lotta trouble," he assured her, "here, I'll show you all where the rink and the mess are. We'll have the fair in the open air, for the most part. But there's also a few subterranean passageways – see the red light poles? Just follow any of 'em and you'll be able to get underground, where it's a lot warmer."

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