Chapter 1

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The young girl was sitting in her homeroom since there wasn't any teacher for it today, she could think about other stuff than school. She noticed her mind kept returning to the fact that she had to improve cause if she whouldn't she whould be taken away again while she just found a nice place to live. Nobody in her class knew of the fact she was an Omega cause she always applied scent masks. She hated being an Omega. The prove was all over her body cause of her being hated by her past homes. She was just a beta that had no pack to everyone else here, they didnt even care she always went to the nurse office. She had to go there to get her pills for her anxiety, scent masks and birth control pills cause she didnt have a mate. As soon as the bell rang she ran to the nurse office. The nurse was a real Beta but she whould always help Acxa. As soon as she saw her she looked up from her work "Here for the next dose I suspect?" Acxa nodded while she sat down. She quickly got her pills and a shot for her scent and birth control since that works faster. As soon as she went outside and wanted to leave and accidently bumped into the other populair Alpha male named Lotor his group was with him too both of them fell down. Lotor quickly got back up and helped her up too "Sorry about that." he said. Acxa nodded "My fault but I gotta go." she said walking off while Lotor smelled her scent and got a bit confused since it was weird he decided to ask her into his group next time.
~next day~
Acxa was walking to her class to say she had to go home since her heat had started when she saw Lotor and his gang she looked around and walked a different wat to her class leaving them behind her but Lotor didn't like it and called her he knew her name "Acxa, wait!" Lotor called out to her. Acxa gasped and forse. Lotor had used his alpha voice she couldnt resist it since she was an omega. Lotor walked to her while Acxa whimpered some, her ears flattened and her tail was starting to curl between her legs. She hated that she couldnt control an urge she never even wanted. Lotor carefully made her look at him and noticed she was crying. "You ok?" He asked with a soft voice while Acxa hissed a bit "Why can't you just leave me alone...? Why did you have to use that...? I hate it when you A-Alphas use that..!"she cried softly. Lotor gasped in suprise. He wasnt sure what to say or think and he slowly moved some hair out of Acxa her face. "Hey you are an Omega aren't you" he asked her friendly but not too loud.

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