Chapter 1.2

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At the entrance of a grand estate, a sleek Rolls Royce swerved around a majestic water fountain, which was the centrepiece of the heritage home's entrance, and pulled up to the doorway from the underground car park in which it, along with several similar cars, were stored. Hopping out of the car with a trained and elegant gait, the old and skilled chauffeur of the Yun household easily maneuvered to open the passenger doors, before gesturing for his masters to enter the vehicle.

Following after Yun Xinwei into the car, Wuqiong mentally whistled at the wealth that the original soul grew up in, 'definitely a golden spoon'. He hadn't had any chances until today to check out this home and he was already leaving for good, he sadly mused.

The original soul was withdrawn and hardly walked out of his room to interact with the other household members- opting to remain shut in the room, submerged completely in novel after novel. The original grew comfortable with eating separately from the rest of the family, subconsciously shying away from the complicated and slightly fearful looks that the others would show him- until it was accepted by the maids that meals were to be brought to the young master's room. In this way, he who felt alienated thus alienated others.

Inside the car, Yun Wuqiong turned to the window and his azure grey eyes glazed out at the sight of the estate, which was becoming smaller and smaller into the distance. He then opened his mouth to speak, "Sir, when will I next be back?" Wuqiong questioned the man sitting in the passenger seat next to Alfred, the chauffeur.

'...Never', Yun Xinwei thought to himself, yet he did not show it as his eyes looked forwards at the road, "Wuqiong.. You will be boarding until adulthood in the academy... It is a very safe environment, which will benefit your growth as a person". Wuqiong sighed softly to himself, it was clear from those words that this was the last that he would see of this adoptive family, even if he and the original soul had never really interacted with them- they were not bad people.

"Yes Sir", the boy's soft voice drifted in response.

Yun Xinwei himself did not know how to treat this adopted son, who could not be viewed as his son. As such, he never dared to allow the boy to call him 'father'. It was terrifying for a subject to hide and protect the son of his boss, knowing that any harm which comes Yun Wuqiong's way would spell the end for the whole family. A misshape was not allowed to happen and as such, Yun Xinwei's subconscious fear projected itself onto his face on every interaction with the terrifyingly beautiful boy.

Similarly, his daughters, who had been old enough at the time of Wuqiong's adoption, were aware that this boy their father had taken in was someone very- no, extremely important within the Yun family and could not be offended or harmed in any way. Their father had made it very, very clear to the young misses. Though they were curious about befriending this gorgeous little brother who had mysterious backing, for such a terrifyingly dangerous bomb on their hands, this branch family who feared their lives being upturned could only treat him like glass that could not be touched.

'Poor thing. He thought he was some illegitimate son that his family detested- his father was too ashamed of his existence to speak to him, his mother loathed him, his sisters ignored him. He became indifferent to them and believed this all the way up to his death- never managing to return to this home before being killed' Wuqiong sighed at the original's fate, insecurities and misunderstandings.

In fact, the original was even more miserable when he learned that they weren't even his real family. He was so distraught that one of the dying wishes the original Yun Wuqiong made was to have met his real family ...'and I will grant that wish for you', Wuqiong mentally promised to the original soul, who had now been merged into his soul.

Not a lot was known about Yun Wuqiong's real father, except that his name was Yun Wuqian and the head of the Yun household. Being one of Weiqi's most prestigious and renowned blue-blooded families, the Yun family had links in many businesses and was one of the most prosperous families in the whole Weiqi country, their influence spreading to a variety of overseas ventures as well. Yet, that was on the surface.

In actuality, the Yun family were the front to Weiqi's underground mafia, dealing in weaponry trading and smuggling as the most dominant crime lords in the continent. As the patriarch to such a family, Yun Wuqian's life was of ultimate secrecy and it was known to very little that he had a son, one who he had strategically hidden into the home of a loyal branch member for protection until he was of age. His life was of such secrecy that even until the end of the plotline, his mere appearance remains a mystery to even the ML, who had managed to destroy his crime group, although the man himself escaped. How he had later died was not known to the plot, although Yun Wuqian's death was mentioned in passing.

Wuqiong had no clue how he was going to find this man shrouded in mystery, but he was sure that as long as he was to survive long enough, Yun Wuqian would come to find him himself. That's right, due to Lin Yinze's doing, the original Yun Wuqian had left the world barely one year into his time at Hua Lin Academy. 'He had barely begun to live his life, before being betrayed and dying in grief' Wuqiong lamented in pity, 'this really makes one cry injustice for the poor soul'.

Whilst he was lost in thoughts about planning his survival and goals to fulfil the original soul's wish, the car had rolled to a stop in front of a modern building that looked like a newly built apartment block. In At the gates of the building, the words 'Hua Lin Academy Boarding Building 3' were inscribed elegantly on a metal cast hanging over the gate. After rolling down his window to confirm his identity to the security guard beside the gate, Yun Xinwei signalled to the family chauffeur to continue on through.

Once the car was skillfully parked into an empty lot in the underground parking, Yun Xinwei briskly hopped out of the car as did the bodyguards from the second vehicle that had been following behind the main vehicle in stealth. Alfred opened the passenger door on Yun Wuqiong's side and gestured, "If you please, Young Master".

Wuqiong nodded in thanks with a gentle smile on his heavenly face and stepped out to follow after Yun Xinwei to the lifts. Smiling, Alfred watched as the two masters as well as the bodyguards disappeared into the lifts. Once the lift had been indicated to have reached the ground floor, the old chauffeur swiftly dialled '1' on his mobile phone. After precisely 3 rings echoed, a deep and crisp voice resounded throughout the empty car park,


Author's note: 

I really hope this isn't boring so far, I'm actually on holiday from uni right now for like, the next two weeks so will try to write a lot and hopefully the action will pick up itself once the other characters are introduced lolz \(º □ º l|l)/

PS I didn't realise how awkward it is to describe your own characters as possessing heaven-defying beauty (lolz) and all those other cringe-worthy OP descriptors but I mean, my boi is a real beauty and I'll try to describe him as such in the following chapters without it being too idk in your face or something (like e.g. every time Xie Jing Xing crops up in Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage lol smh even the translator got sick of his descriptors).

Please give feedback!!


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