Chapter One:Suprise Arrival

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Narrator's POV

It was a peaceful day in Tokyo,like always shops were filled with people,roads were filled with cars and trucks..
But there was a certain coffee shop that consisted of ghouls..
Yeah you read it right,Ghouls.
It was a busy day,the shop was filled with customers... Some were mostly humans and of course a few ghoul passing by.
There's an employee there that was waiting for someone.
This someone was very dear to her,friend,colleague....crush?
She have feelings for that someone,but of course being the naive person she is...she still haven't noticed it.....yet.
But let's not talk about that now..
Let's talk about this shop called,Anteiku.
"God damn it!"said a teenage girl with violet hair with a tint of purple.Of course.Who wouldn't be annoyed,frustrated and angry with that kind of situation? Shop flooded with people.Guys hitting on her everytime she takes an order. And of course,a certain ginger head who annoys her everytime he pass through her.I wouldn't be suprised if she has hypertension.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"said a certain ginger head.
"Just shut your mouth Nishiki!"she snapped back.
The ginger head now identified as Nishiki snapped back too of course,"Tch.I'll only do that if you die!Hmph!"Nishiki scoffed with a smirk."You-"but before the purple haired teen can protest she was cut off by Nishiki saying"Oh,Touka i recently noticed that the beans ran out just hours ago."Nishiki said with a smirk."What the fuck are you implying here Four Eyes!?I should buy the fucking beans?!Stop kidding me,i bought the beans last week!You should be the one to buy them!"Touka said while crossing her arm and thumping her foot..
And suddenly Yoshimura appears behind them with a confused look and said,"What are you two arguing about again?"Yoshimura asked as his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Darn Touka doesn't want to buy beans."Nishiki spat out in triumph."Cause i was the one that bought the beans last week!"Touka said with a smirk knowing that the manager would take her side within a blink of an eye.Yoshimura closed his eyes as if he was thinking about something..
Then Yoshimura finally spoke,"Touka, Nishiki bought the beans this week...You did last week..It's only fair that you Touka have to get the beans today and then Nishiki will get them next week."Yoshimura said with his signature smile.
And after Yoshimura said his decision,Nishiki broke into loud cackles that can be heard throughout the shop.Everyone sent disapproving looks to Nishiki who just stopped.
And Touka had her mouth open while looking at Yoshimura.
"B-But"Touka stuttered as her brows twitch in annoyance.
"Go get them now."Yoshimura said softly but has a hint of authority in it.
Touka huffed and crossed her arms just below her chest while rolling her eyes."Finnnne."Touka said while walking to Nishiki who were smirking maniacally.
Touka stopped in front of Nishiki and kicked him hard where the sun doesn't shine.*Sighs*This never gets old.
"Fuck you."Touka spat out before walking towards the door to get changed into some casual clothes.And while Touka was doing her thing a ginger head was leaning behind the counter and mumbled"Fuck you too."while adjusting his glasses.
"Nishiki,there's an order there."Kaya pointed out while smiling sarcastically.
"I'm taking a break.I can't even stand up!How the hell can i do that!?"Nishiki spat out while holding know what."Come on...i was just joking you know."Kaya said.
"Come on now,you can do it."Kaya said while helping him up,Nishiki sat on a chair with his palm on his forehead.

"I'm going now."Touka spat out annoyingly while heading towards the door.
"Hope you never come back again."Nishiki said while adjusting his glasses and then held his hand up to show his middle finger.
"Tch."Touka said as she walks out of the shop putting her hands inside her pockets.
"Thank you,please come again."an employee said with a smile while handing a handful of beans(a lot of beans😉).
Touka then looked at the employee before taking the beans and faked smiled to the employee while heading to the door made of glass.
"Why the hell is it so cold!?"Touka shouted but actually it only sounded like a whisper,Oh well why wouldn't it be cold if it's winter?
There wasn't that much people on the street,probably because of the cold and of course people have to work.Rush our in the morning and then in the afternoon?Tokyo will be pretty much deserted since it's so so so fucking cold when it's afternoon.
So Touka decide to take a short cut to Anteiku.An alley.
"Hmph.Nishiki will get more of a kick in the nuts when i go back."Touka said with a smirk.She was about to say something about Nishiki again but was cut off when a can was kicked unintentionally in a nearby turn.Touka's smirk began to fade and formed a frown.
"Who's there!?"Touka shouted in anger and fear of who might be there.And footsteps were heard,getting closer and closer by seconds.Then Touka smelled the figure,it was male and the male reeks of blood that's why she can't identify if the male was someone she knows or knew.
Then the figure came to view..
A Man with white hair and grey eyes came to view.
Handsome.That's what everyone would think if they encountered him.Touka widened her eyes in realization,She steps back a little bit still in shock of who she had seen.Kaneki.Kaneki with a fist sized hole on his stomach and bloodied all over.His hair was almost red from the blood.
"Gomen.(sorry in japanese😁)"Kaneki spat out before falling flat on the ground.
"Kaneki!"Touka shouted in worry as she hurries to Kaneki who is already unconscious on the ground.

So how the hell was it people!?
If it sucks just tell me,I'll erase this story and learn things😉.
This is my first fanfic actually.
I wouldn't be suprised if its bad.

Bye Bye!See ya next time.
Onto the next chapter!

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