Chapter Four:Half Naked

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Narrator's POV
As the white haired male thought about everything,and of course what he will say to the old man.
But the he realized something, he's half naked.His knee length short was still intact but his shirt is gone!
"What the-"Kaneki didn't waste no time,he ran quickly i swear the door on the roof must have broke from that.
Touka's POV(Yeah!👏)

I look at the door before sighing,i never thought that i will react like that!
"Shit!The fuck is happening to me i should have said hi and all!"I exclaimed,regretting.
I look around and was about to pick the pillow i threw at him when i saw his shirt!
"Fuck!He's half naked when i saw him!Why didn't i realise that!"

Narrator's POV
As the brunette rushed at the door but soon realized that she forgot to bring his shirt,so she rushed faster than she ever could.
She grabbed the black shirt and ran past the door like a cheetah or somethin'.
As she turned around a corner she bumped with something hard and fell to the floor,sitting,really annoyed she looked up and glared at the person,but when her eyes met a certain white haired male.
"Look where you're going!"Touka said as she tried to stand up but was soon surprised by the male's touch.
"Let me help you with that."Kaneki said as he held her hand,a little scared that she might punch him or what.
Touka blushed at the trance,not really knowing why.
As Kaneki helped her,she immediately threw the shirt at his face, receiving an 'ow' from the male.
"You forgot it,idiot."Touka said as she swung her head to the right,blushing at the sight in front of her.
"Thanks."Kaneki said blankly,not really noticing her blush.
After the scene,Kaneki bid farewell and is currently headed to where Yoshimura is.
That got Touka's curiosity, why would he talk to the manager alone?I mean he can do it in front of everyone but alone?
Touka decided to follow him,tiptoeing on the way.
Then after a few minutes of tiptoeing, she heard a door click and quickly but quietly leaned on the door.
Then she heard talking.
"Yoshimura."a deep serious voice was heard,but Touka recognized it right away,Kaneki.
"I must tell you Kaneki, i expected this."An old deep voice said,'That's the manager.'Touka thought in realization.
"*sigh*You always know.But,this is serious matter-"Kaneki cut off himself,by that time Touka can hear footsteps, getting louder and louder.'Shit!Did he notice me!?'Touka thought in panic.
Then the door opened,revealing a frowning Kaneki.
"Tch."Touka said,annoyed.
"Please don't eavesdrop next time."Kaneki said in a soft voice.
"You can just say that you wanted to join the conversation."Yoshimura said with a smile.
"Don't lecture me old man."Touka said in annoyance,not really liking the lecturing she was receiving.
"All right,you can join.But no talking.Just listen Touka."Kaneki said as he sat on the couch.
Touka did the same.
"So Yoshimura,i guess you're probably dying to ask if Eto is alright."Kaneki said softly
"*sigh*So,how is she?"Yoshimura said in defeat.
'Who the hell is this Eto?!'Touka thought in confusion.
"She's all right and all.But she really didn't want me to leave,so she really couldn't control her emotions,she stabbed me."Kaneki said softly,holding his stomach where his previous wound was.
"Did you.....see her face?"Yoshimura said seriously. He knows Eto,she only shows her face to the important people of her,in short,the people she loves.
Kaneki just answered with a nod and smile.
"*sigh*But back to the serious matter you were saying.What is it?"Yoshimura said seriously,but the tone was still soft.
Touka just kept listening, confused of the topic before.
"I...."Kaneki started.
"I heard in Aogiri that CCG will absolutely attack in this ward,Yoshimura all of you have to evacuate!"Kaneki said in panic,scared of what might happen to his precious people.
"And you Kaneki?What do you do?"Yoshimura said in worry.
"Don't worry about me Yoshimura.I can take care of myself."Kaneki said with a smile,an unsure smile,while cupping his chin with his right hand.
The smile that reassured Yoshimura a bit but not Touka.
A smile that scared Touka.
'He's lying!'Touka thought,glaring at Kaneki mentally.
Oh well,there it is again.
The infamous 'cupping his chin when lying'.

"I'm outta here!"Touka yelled,frustrated at the pregnant silence.I mean,it's been some ten or maybe eight minutes since anyone has spoken.
"And Yoshimura, I'll sleep here for the time being."Kaneki said with a genuine smile.
"Okay then.Touka?Can you please lead Kaneki to the room next to yours?"Yoshimura said.
"Fine old man."Touka said in annoyance,still confused at the topic.
The two figure started retreating,Yoshimura paid attention to the taller figure.Kaneki.
This guy....This guy had a intimate and happy relationship with his daughter, but there's one thing he knows.
He definitely treated her right.
He smiled at the thought before sipping at his cup of coffee but was frustrated because it has gone cold from the conversation earlier.
"I'll make a new one then."Yoshimura said with a smile.
Making a new coffee was like beginning a new chapter of life,a new version,a new life, a new series.
For him,the warmth you feel when drinking coffee was like the love you receive from his love ones.
The loving warmth embraces you from the cold darkness, the never ending trail of darkness in your heart.
Trust began to fall from your vocabulary.
Faith being twisted by Fate.
Darkness swallows you whole.
Your heart,your mind,your eyes.
The heart to understand and love people around you.
The mind to make decisions that are right,not only for you but also for the good of the people you love.
The eyes to see the truth, to seek the truth and to see the light in the darkness.

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