Chapter Two:Is He Safe Now?

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"Kaneki!"Touka shouted as she ran to Kaneki who is now laying unconscious on the ground without his mask on.
"What to do,what to do!?"Touka shouted worriedly as she close her eyes to think of something.
"Anteiku!"Touka shouted as she carries Kaneki.She swungs Kaneki's right hand on her shoulder and held it.
"Fuck!Isn't he heavy!?"Touka said sarcastically hoping that her long lost friend would laugh or maybe answer a 'sorry'.
But...there wasn't a sound made.
Not even a movement.Then she realized something.He wasn't breathing.Oh Kami help him....
"Fuck,i gotta hurry!"Touka spat out as she hurries her walking but of course still limping.
And after minutes of limping...
"Thank God!!"Touka spat out in annoyance and relief as she and Kaneki limp to the side wall of Anteiku....

Meanwhile in Anteiku...

"Does buying coffee beans usually take one and a half hours?God dammit."Nishiki said in annoyance,Touka was the fastest to buy beans in the shop.Hell,even Kaya can't beat her at speed.Oh well...Only Touka knows about that shorcut.
"Darn that Touka!Now i have to wait for her outside!"Nishiki hissed through his breath.But annoyance soon turned serious as he smelled figures.He recognized one of them.One was Touka.But...the other one smelled like blood.Lots of blood.He can't even smell if the figure was human or not.Then he turned to the alley on the side of Anteiku.
Shock filled his eyes.
"What the fuck!?"Nishiki spat out as he walks towards the figures who were limping like fools who were drunk.
"I'll help!"Nishiki spat out as he recognized who's the mysterious person who smelled like blood.
"What the fuck happened to Kaneki?!He looks beat up!"Nishiki said as he shivered in worry as to what might happen to his friend and colleague.
"I don't know,i just found him on an alley!"Touka said in worry and annoyance.
Soon,they reached Anteiku's living room.It's where they take their break,kill time or maybe watch tv.
"Touka?"Kaya said in worry making the two hot headed ghouls to jump slightly in shock.
"Don't scare us like that!"Touka exclaimed as she put Kaneki on the couch slowly and carefully to not make his wound worse.
"Sorry,but seriously what happened?"Kaya said in worry as she handed the medical kit to Touka who is now lifting the wounded male's shirt.
"Found him in an alley near the department store while going back.Just so you know,he is fucking heavy."Touka said as she rolled her eyes in annoyance remembering the hardship she had to go through just to get to Aneiku.
"I'll go get the manager then."Nishiki said seriously as he walks away from the wounded male and heads to the door exiting.
"I'll do that Touka."Kaya said in a stern voice as she reach for tbhe alcohol in Touka's hand.
"But-"Touka was cut off by Kaya saying"I have more experience in this Touka."Kaya said seriously as she glared at Touka softly.
"Fine."Touka huffed as she crossed her arm like a kid who got scolded.
But before Kaya can say something the manager came dashing in slowly with a face of worry and confuse.
"Manager,Nishiki? Can you please hold him down?"Kaya said with a pleading look as she looked at the two figure before her.
"Of course."they both said in unison as they started to come to the wounded male's direction.
"Sorry Kaneki."Kaya whispered in a soft tone before pouring alocohol to his wound.
At first there was silence for a few seconds then..agonizing screams were heard from the male on the couch who was arching his back from the pain.
Touka closed her eyes and took a step back.He was in pain.He was screaming in pain.Touka's mind was flooding with questions.Will he survive?Who the hell did that to him?.....And finally the screams stopped.
"He is good for now but..He has to eat something to regenerate faster."Yoshimura said while frowning.Then he looked at Touka."Touka?Would you mind telling me where and how did you find him?"Yoshimura said with his signature smile.
"Ok,Ok fine.I found him on an alley near the department store limping."Touka said while frowning and worrying of what might happen to her best friend.
"Oi Touka.Where are the fuckin' beans?"Nishiki said while furrowing his brows.
"They're by the door sir."Touka said while rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"And hopefully no one stole them Bitch."Nishiki said in utter annoyance.
Wondering why he's annoyed?
How about trying to hold down someone who's twice as strong as you?
"Just get them.I'll stay here until he wakes up.I'm the one who found him after all."Touka said while sitting on a couch that's just in front of Kaneki.
"Hmph.You just want to stay with him."Nishiki said with a smirk while walking away,exiting.
"Wh-"But Touka was cut off by the sound of the door closing.
"Fucking Four Eyes."Touka said while crossing her arm.
"Touka.Take care of him alright?"Yoshimura said with a smile.
"Okkk......"Touka said in annoyance.'I said I'll take take care of him.Why repeat it?'Touka thought as she rolled her eyes mentally.
"Ok then.See you later Touka."Kaya said with a friendly smile that everyone loves.
"I'll work when his wounds gets better enough.Enough for him to walk that is."Touka spat out as she leaned on the couch.
Kaya then answered with a nod as she exited,the sound of the door shutting can be heard again at this point.
"I'll sleep then."Touka said in a lazy tone as she close her eyes.

Kaneki's POV

I groan as i try to sit up,pain flowing all over my body.
"Ah."I spat out as i began to open my eyes, revealing my grey eyes.
Snapping to reality soon..
I soon realize where am i.
"Why am i here?"I question myself as i look around and soon stopped as i gaze upon the person I've always thought of.
"Touka."I say as i stand up to test if i can do something in this state of mine.
"Touka?"I say as i look at her.
"Asleep maybe."

Narrator's POV

The wounded male now standing up after two and a half of slumber is now staring at a brunette who is currently asleep due to well... Probably exhaustion.
"She's still beautiful."Kaneki spat out as he smiled, remembering the memories they made together.
Kaneki crouches down to her head level..
"I always did wonder what your hair would feel like..."Kaneki said as he reached out his hand to touch the brunette's hair.Then he widened his eyes..
"I thought it'll be a bit rough but..guess i was wrong..Soft..."The male spat out as he gazes the brunette for some time until..
A groan was heard from Touka who is now clenching her eyes and opened them to reveal her beautiful violet eyes.
"What-"Touka then widened her eyes with what she saw..
"Hi."Kaneki said with an akward smile...well...making the situation more awkward.
"AH!!!"Touka shouted as she stood up and picked a pillow and then threw it to Kaneki,hard.
Kaneki then stood up taking the hit wholeheartedly. Then he thought'She still hit hard,Huh?'.
"Stop.I'm sorry,Ok?"Kaneki said with a reassuring smile.He smile that she missed.The smile that she love.A blush creeped to her cheeks as soon as he did a smile..
"Wh-Wha-What w-were you doing!?"Touka said as she blushed even more and shielded her face with another pillow from the couch.
"I....I was just wondering if your hair was soft or rough.... And i touched it..It was rather soft."Kaneki said the last part with a smile.
"Baka (Idiot in japanese)"Touka said as she blushed even more (that even possible?),her action made Kaneki's smile widen but soon after turned to a blank face and said"I'll just talk to the Manager.And again..Sorry."Kaneki said as he bowed and walked away...exiting..and of course,the sound of the door shutting can be heard again.
"Phew~~~"Touka said as she sat on the couch like a burden was lift off her shoulder..
"Why the fuck am i acting all girly all of a sudden?"Touka whispered to herself as she thought of how handsome he has became...but was interrupted as a thought crossed her mind..but she didn't notice that she said it out loud...

"Is He Safe Now?"Touka said in a sad and worried tone...


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