Chapter Five:Is it Love?

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Narrator's POV
The two figure kept walking,distance to each other's shoulder only a few inches.
The taller figure spoke,
"Must be curious about Eto,Am i not right?"Kaneki said as he chuckled at her.
"Shut your mouth."Touka said as she rolled her eyes.
As the question was 'answered'
,both said figures finally reached their destination.
"Here's your room princess."Touka said in utter annoyance and quickly shoved herself in her own room and of course,shut the door with such force.Is the door broken Kaneki?
"Fear not Author-san.I do think it is not."Kaneki replied with a smile,to me i guess.Okay!Enough with breaking the precious fourth wall of ours.
And as Kaneki turned the knob,
"Wait,why's it locked?"Kaneki asked himself.
'Of course they'll lock it if they're not using it dumbass.'Kaneki thought to himself,answering his own question.
Thinking of a solution,he just knocked on Touka's door without noticing.
'*sigh*why did i even knock to her door?I should've asked the manager.'Kaneki regretted.
The door opened,
"I'm in a day-"Touka cut herself hen she saw the figure before her.
"Whaddya' want again?"Touka said.As always annoyed.
"The door's locked.Can't get in."Kaneki said as he pointed a finger to the doorknob.
"You could've asked Yoshimura,geez how idiotic."Touka insulted as she gets out of her room and pointed to a corner with hooks,there was some keys hanged.
"The third one idiot."Touka teased,but softly this time.
Kaneki said no word,just headed towards the keys.
'Shit!Did i say too much?'Touka thought as she frowned at the lack of words from the white haired male.
She watched as Kaneki get the key and walks toward where his room is,only next to hers.
Passing to her,the said male didn't say anything,but smiled apologetically towards her.
She got guilty at that.
His look got sad.
His look looked like a puppy that was abandoned on the road.
He pushed the key inside the keyhole,hearing a satisfying click.
He turned the knob and was about to go in before,
"Oi! Wait a minute!"being stopped by the voice of Touka Kirishima.
"A-about....e-ear-lier."Touka stuttered, embarrassed at her actions earlier and present time.
"What is it?"Kaneki said, confused to what was making her stutter.She rarely stutters.
"A-a-bout m-my insults.."Touka said,still embarrassed.
"Oh Its-"Kaneki was gonna reassure her but was cut off by Touka saying,
"I'm fuckin' sorry!"Touka spat out while bowing,which actually surprised Kaneki.
"Oh shit."Touka mumbled through her breath,but was not heard by the male in front of her.
'I feel like i messed up coz' of my cussing!'Touka thought in panic.
"You were looking sad and all,so i thought i said too much and-"Touka was cut off by Kaneki reassuring her by placing his hand on her shoulder.
"It's Okay."Kaneki reassured.
'So she felt guilty.That's a little bit funny.'Kaneki thought to himself.
"I'm so-Wait what?"Touka said,confused at the reply she got.
"You were looking sad!What was that!?"Touka fought.
"Oh that...I was just remembering the times i was still working here.Sorry,I troubled you."Kaneki apologised,but while saying that he didn't notice that he was cupping his chin.Liar.
'Liar' The voice said in his head.
'Fuck off Rize!'Kaneki said mentally,he hated Rize.
Everything about her is just so broken,you shouldn't pity her.
"So?We actually didn't have any problems?"Touka said as her brow raise in said question.
"Yeah.I'll go in now,I'm just gonna rest."Kaneki reassured.
"Ok then.Rest well i guess."Touka mumble the last part,not wanting it to be heard.
"You too."Kaneki said with a smile before going out of her sight and finally closes the door.
The smile.
To Touka it felt really different, it's like you're heart and body was being embraced by some unknown warmth.
Heat crept to her cheeks,blushing.
She quickly opened her room for shelter and closed the door as quickly as she could.
It felt like there were drums in her chest.
Beating and beating and beating. The never ending fast rhythm.
The loudness made her feel deaf,
It was like the beating of it was the only thing she can hear.
Is it love?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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