Chapter Three:Kaneki and Eto's History

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Narrator's POV (yeah)
The male started walking...
Not really sure if he can still face Eto's father... The manager..
Before heading to Yoshimura..
He had to think..
So with only his feet leading and his mind on outer space..His feet leaded him to the roof.
Why did he even decided to go away? Away from Eto.Aogiri Tree.
First,let me tell a story.
A story of a rare kind who fell inlove with two.
Kaneki Ken.
Kaneki was triggered by Yamori.
Torture and suffering led him to Aogiri,first he was really cold to Eto who is one of the so called leaders of Aogiri Tree....


"Kaneki-kun!"Eto shouted to Kaneki who was leaning on the railing of the door.
Kaneki only walked away knowing that the pesky girl in bandages will only cling to him once she sees him,moving to a certain spot.A couch that only fits one person.
He didn't like other girls,beside Touka.But he felt like Eto was different. Was it because she too is a half ghoul?Kaneki felt like that wasn't the case.To him it felt really nostalgic.
"As always,so cold Kaneki-kun!"Eto exclaimed while pouting..but wasn't really seen since..well she's covered in bandages. But soon after Kaneki looked at her while frowning.
"Do you need something?"Kaneki said in a soothing calm voice.
"Well..Tatara-san said that you and me have to investigate the 11th ward."Eto said in her usual cheery voice while walking to a nearby couch that was just a few meters from Kaneki.
"Give me my mask first.I know you have it."Kaneki said as he looked at her straight in the eye.
"As always...You always know!"Eto said while getting something from her hidden pocket."Here!"Eto said revealing a leather mask with a eye patch and also consisted of artificial teeth.
"Thanks."Kaneki said with a smile while reaching his mask.
That shocked Eto. He never smiled...Yet he did!
"Ah!You finally smiled."Eto said as she started running to Kaneki who was confused by her act.
"Wha-"But Kaneki was cut off by Eto who tackled him to the ground laughing while hugging him tight.
"Oi!You two!"A familiar voice shouted to them.Breaking their trance "You were just jealous Ayato-kun."Eto said while standing up.Also helping Kaneki up.
"Let's just go."Kaneki said while walking away leaving the two.
"Alright let's go!"Eto exclaimed while running towards Kaneki who were now a few feet away from them.
"Tch."Ayato spat out before walking away in the opposite direction.
"So,what will we investigate?"Kaneki said plainly while leaping from building to building.
"Tatara-san said that we have to investigate and kill the guy that has been killing our guys."Eto said seriously as she too leaped from building to building,leading.
"Do we have any leads?"Kaneki said while adjusting his mask.
He often did this,mostly on missions.
"None.And that is why we have to investigate Kaneki-kun."Eto said as she sped up,Kaneki then sped up soon after.
Then after hours of leaping and sneaking,they finally arrived on their destination..
"We're here,We're here!"To exclaimed as she took off her robe revealing her bandaged body.
"Why are you taking that off?"Kaneki said while looking away, avoiding any unnecessary actions to be made(not those pervy actions people😅).
"Tatara-san said that disguising is a good idea to get more information.And i brought spare clothes you know~~"Eto said as she handed Kaneki a white shirt and black shorts that goes to his knees.
Kaneki the turned around his back now facing Eto,he started taking his shirt off which surprised Eto..
After taking his shirt it revealed a toned body that most girls will crave..This scene made Eto blush beet red.
"I thought you were gonna change your clothing.."Kaneki said as he finished changing and taking his mask off.
"Ah!Oh yeah of course.."Eto said as she turned around avoiding eye contact immediately.
"Lets go."Eto said as she came out of the dark.
She was wearing a baggy sweater and a skirt to match.
"What?I look pretty don't i?!"Eto said as she jumped down from the roof o the building that they stopped to..
"Let's check in to a Hotel and sleep for the time being...We'll gather information tomorrow."Kaneki said plainly as he started walking on the street with Eto by his side.
"Ok.But i have a question that I've really wanted to ask for a long time now Kaneki-kun!"Eto exclaimed as she smiled to him.
"What is it?"Kaneki said in curiosity.
"Is your hair color natural?"Eto said as she looked at him.
"Yeah it is.Why?"Kaneki said plainly while looking around..
"Nothing.I was just wondering."Eto said as she ran towards a hotel that she picked.
"Here?"Eto pointed at the hotel implying that they should just stay there.
"Alright."Kaneki said as he too walked towards the hotel making Eto smile.
"Tatara-san also said that this mission might last for a few weeks Kaneki-kun."Eto said seriously before following..
"Let's get a room first..We'll discuss that inside."Kaneki said as he walked towards the receptionist.
"Do you have a room available that can fit two people?"Eto said as she smiled at the female receptionist.
"Unfortunately we don't ma'am.. We're always full at this time of the night ma'am. But there's a room that you might like.Its a room with a king sized bed,it can fit two persons!"The receptionist said with a genuine smile.Kaneki and Eto then looked at each other not really sure if they should accept.Then Kaneki sighed and said"Alright.I mean there's no choice right?Other hotels are closed already at this time."Kaneki said with a reassuring smile that made both of the female blush.
Soon after the receptionist gave them keys and led them to their room.
"Pretty neat I guess..."Kaneki said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly...Who wouldn't do that?You have to sleep with a girl who's a year younger than you and also a leader of the organization you're in and is surely stronger than you.
"Yeah!I'll sleep first."Eto said then soon after yawned making Kaneki giggle awkwardly..
"What?"Eto said while stretching her arms.
"And you laughed!!"Eto exclaimed while pointing to Kaneki accusingly.
"A-ahh...I just thought that you really do act like a child like they say.."Kaneki said while smiling genuinely.
"Oi!Kodoumo janai wa you!"Eto exclaimed while pouting,annoyed at what he said.
"Ok,Ok...sorry for what i said.."Kaneki said while smiling apologetically making Eto smile.
"Alright.I forgive you..I mean,who can resist your smile?"Eto said the last part as a whisper..not wanting him to hear it."I didn't hear the last part,can you repeat it?"Kaneki said while closing the distance between them,making Eto blush.
And being the most dense person in the world.Kaneki didn't notice or even realize what he was doing.
"Nothing!"Eto exclaimed while heading to the king sized bed that was only a few meters away from them.
"Oh,Ok then..I'll sleep on the couch,you take the bed."Kaneki said before walking towards the couch.

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