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The difference of I love you & love you

Everyone has their own different meaning of words in their life
For me this is the difference of saying I love you or just love you to your friend, family and special someone etc.

I love you.

I usually say this to those person who I love the most
People who I really genuinely love .
You can't get my 'I love you' that easy if your courting me or something
You have to work for it. My 'I love you' must be earned.

"Your not that pretty so why can't you just say I love you too?" Someone ask me and that hit me hard you know.

But as time goes by I've realized that loving someone is sacred you can't always be messing and playing around with someone's feeling
The fire that you're playing with might burn you in the end

Its not about the looks. Its about loving the person truly...
Looks can be forgotten but loving someone genuinely without a pause is something real and magical.

Note to him:
If you can't love me when I'm at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best ..

06/23/18 11:11 PM

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