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"You're not enough for me"

Nooooo scratch that . I'm too much for you to handle and I'm the both best and worst thing that'll ever happen to your life and your just too stubborn to see it.

Someone says "you can't be everyones cup of tea"
I appreciate it and its perfecty fine because I'm a champagne now.
So why bother being not everyones cup of tea when I can be a champagne

Dude wake up. We girls ain't staying for nothing
But if you acting up always that way then bye hun
My mother didn't bear me for nine months while developing my heart for you just to break it in a seconds so stop. be honest, don't cheat.
Because that shik hurts the most

To him.

I know you're probably tired of me.
Your just holding it back but please just leave

06/25/18 5:31 am

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