Chapter Twelve - Hot Romance

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The morning of the race dawned bright and sunny and she dressed with a new optimism. She was looking forward to seeing David, to testing the water between them but it could wait till after the race. A knock on the door alerted her and she opened it to see Anna’s mischievous face. “Thought you might need a lift,” Anna said.

“Yes, come on I’m ready.”

Sat in Anna’s sports car, she fidgeted on the leather seat. She had never before been nervous with her friend but she itched to tell her about David. Only Anna had never got on with him had never liked him. She didn’t understand it as Anna loved everyone and could always see the best in them, just look at her reaction to Joel.

“Come on spill it, “Anna said as she drove down a steep hill towards the race start.

“I got flowers from Joel.”

“That’s fantastic, have dinner with him. Give him a chance.”

Elise was twiddling with the zip on her jacket. “But I hoped they were from David.” The silence stretched, she knew Anna would wait for her to say what was really on her mind but it was unnerving. At last she had to speak. “Okay I am very attracted to Joel, but it’s merely physical and he’s a dick.”

Anna laughed a light and merry sound that made Elise join in. Eventually Anna stopped herself and said, “I think he was, but I get the feeling that you have changed him, maybe even tamed him. He’s just having a hard time coming to terms with that. Have patience, and give him a chance.”

Elise was hardly hearing the words. She compared the two men. Joel was better looking and more successful. On the other hand David was reliable and would never hurt her. It should have been an easy decision but every time she thought of breaking the subject with David she saw Joel’s face. His brooding good looks that could turn cheeky in and instant and the way his eyes sometimes seemed to glow if they caught the right light. Even thinking about him set her pulse racing and that was something that David didn’t do. But she was attracted to David, a little or was that just because she was now sexually active? Had Joel awakened something in her that would not go away?


The race was harder than she expected. David stayed with her whispering gentle encouragement on the hills and slowing her down on the easy parts. His presence had really helped and as they passed the finish line she fell into his arms in exhaustion. “That was amazing,” she said as she gasped for breath.

“No you are amazing.” David pulled her head to his chest and hugged her close. He smelt of sweat, but it was not unpleasant. She could feel the muscle beneath her face, when had he become so ripped? His heart pounded against her ear and she felt herself stirring. She hugged him tight and looked over his shoulder straight into Joel’s eyes. He was scowling at her and she could not help but smile. Let him see she did not need him, let him see her happy with another man. She laughed into David’s shoulder and then pulled back; grabbing his hand she walked away from the finish.

The pub was crowded and noisy. Everyone was reliving their race and sharing it with their loved ones. It made the room buzz and was almost as exciting as the race itself. Elise shuffled on her stool she was finding it hard to sit still. David had been telling Anna of their run down the long hill that over looked the peak district. She had been looking out over the view and had tripped over a discarded bottle. He had grabbed her before she fell and almost hauled her back onto her feet. It was a scary moment, but she was impressed with his strength. He winked at her and her heart raced, was it the wine she was drinking or was she falling for him.

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