This whole chapter is johns pov and its sad just sayin

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"Hello. Which room is Henry Laurens in?" I ask, squeezing Alex's hand tightly.

The lady checks something on her computer before answering, "Room 41, on floor 3."

"Thank you," I say before jolting up the stairs.

Before I open the door, Alex stops me.

"Let me know it's too much, or if you need to leave," he says quietly.

"Alright," respond as I open the door.

I walk over to my father, sitting in the empty chair next to his bed.

"Hey Pa..." I say squeezing his hand.

"Hey John," he says weakly, "How have you been?"

"Well," I start, "Alex proposed."

"Really?" He asks turning to face Alex.

"Yeah," Lex responds, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You didn't even get to meet him though..." I say quietly.

"Meet who?" He asks.

"Philip... Our son..." I say showing him a picture of the kid.

"I'm a grandfather, and I didn't know until now?" He jokes.

"I guess not..." I say chucking weekly.

"John, I'm not going to live for much longer, but I wanting know that I love you. You mean the world to me..." he say getting quieter each word.

"You're going to be ok..." I say, my face flooding with tears now.

"No, John, this is the end for me," he says closing his eyes, before his monitor has a flat line.

Lexi walks over to me, and pulls me into a tight hug.

I sob loudly into his shoulder, until the nurses come in to check on us.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," one of them say, patting me on the shoulder.

I only let out a small whimper as a response, before Lex picks me up bridal style, carrying me to the car.

He places me in the passengers seat, before getting in the car himself.

I pull him into a tight hug, as is in into his shoulders some more.

We just got a letter, we just got a letter, I wonder who it's from.

Time skip? Who's that?

I walk back into the Schuyler Sisters™️ house, only to be greeted my Philip running into my arms.

"I missed you Papa!" He says as I pick him up.

"I missed you too Pip," I reply.

"Can we go home now? I wanna bug everyone else!" He asks eagerly.

"Sure," I say laughing.

"Thanks for watching him," Alex says.

"No problem," Eliza responds.

Eliza winks at Philip, and he winks back.

I roll my eyes and walk out the door.

Short chapter I know but hushhhhhhhh.

By the way I wrote most of this at 3 am the day before I needed to be up early. (Lately I've been sleeping in until 11. I need to be up before that.)

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