fuckin uhhhhh

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Third Person POV
Eliza's eyes flutter open, and she looks around the room she's in. There are wires hooked up to her arms and torso, and her leg is in a cast. She shifts, so that she can now look around, without straining her eyes, she turns her head to see everyone near the door, staring at it.

Peggy is the first one to turn around. She spots Eliza, and instantly pushes past everyone, to run out the door.

"Where is she going?" Eliza asked, barely audible.

"To get Maria," Angelica responded, going over to sit next to Eliza.

"S-she didn't come?"

"N-no! No! She came, she just stormed of because she was just, overwhelmed, that's all!" Philip jumps in.

Eliza sighs in relief, and lets her head fall back onto the pillow.

Suddenly, Eliza shoots back up, and her eyes widen, "Wait. The ring. Didn't I have it in my pocket.!?" Eliza says panicking, "Oh geez, my plan is ruined if it's gone."

"Don't worry Eliza," Alex says, plopping down in the empty seat on the other side of the bed, "You ran back inside and gave to me to keep safe before you drove off."

"Oh thank god," Eliza sighs, falling back into her previous position.

Maria's POV
I sit down on the bench, and place my face into the palms of my hands.

I don't even try to stop the sobs escaping my mouth, I just let them pour out, which earns me strange looks from the people walking by.

Once I manage to calm down my crying, I pull out the box from my pocket. I open it, and stare at the ring. I rub the diamonds on it with my thumb, then I close the box, and put it back in my pocket.

I let my head fall back, and I look up at the sky.

I feel so bad for yelling at Philip, then running out of the room like that. I don't even think they know I left the building.

I sigh, and just think. Think about how today would have been if she had gotten home safe, how it would have gone if it were me.

They probably wouldn't have come if it were me. They would have left me alone in the hospital to die.

Then the thought of Eliza pops into my head, then the thought of her dying. I shake away the thought, and place my face back into my palms.

I let more tears fall down my face.

Eventually someone taps me on the shoulder, and I look up.

"P-peggy. Hey. I'm sorry for storming off like that before. I was jus-"

"Ju-just shut up a-and com-come back to Eliza's r-ro-room," She pants.

"Did she wake up?" I ask standing.


I instantly start running back towards the hospital, my curls bouncing on my back.

I run straight through the front doors, ignoring Peggy's shouts behind me. I sprint up the stairs, and into her room.

I open the door quickly, and run straight to Eliza to hug her.

I was thinking of having Maria run into the wrong room. But I decided against it.

"I'm so glad you're ok," I whisper, still crying.

"I'm glad your here," Eliza responds, hugging me back after a moment.

We pull away, and I take the chance to pull her into a kiss. 

When we pull away, I can hear everyone aww. 

OnE wEeK lAtEr...

When we finally get home, I walk Eliza over to our room, which is luckily on the bottom floor. 

"How long will I have this cast again?" She asks when we it don on the bed. 

"2 weeks," I respond, flopping back against the headboard. 

"That's so long," She whines, plopping on top of me. 

"It's what the doctor said Liz. If you follow what he says, it'll only be 2 weeks. If you don't you'll have it for longer."

"I know," she complains, leaning her head back so that she's looking me in the eyes.

"I know this isn't ideal, but you'll have to deal with it."

"At least I can bug you to pass the time," she responds as she sits up, sitting next to me, and poking my cheek. 

"I hate you so much..." I whisper.

"I love you to Mar," she responds by kissing me. 

When we pull away, I quickly grab the box from my pocket, and shove it into the top drawer of the nightstand next to the bed. 

Eliza notices,but she doesn't say anything.

Yay. Hope you guys enjoyed the angst. 

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