Chapter 6

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It's been two days since Max disappeared.  I haven't slept at all. While Dean and Sam were looking for leads they told Cas to search for my soul. He got my soul back. I was now sat in the library trying to help Sam look for leads on Max but it's difficult when you can't read or spell properly. " I think i got something " Sam said. I looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. He read it to me.
" three people have gone missing in this area and that's not including Max.  " Sam said.
" well do they have anything in common? " I asked. Sam nodded.
" they are all under the age of 15 and have brown hair green eyes " He said.
" well that's not creepy at all " I said sarcastically. " I think it's either a siren, a demon, or a fucking insane human " I said. I went to get Dean. He was outside working on the impala. I walked over to him. " Dean " I said quietly. His head snapped up to look at me. " Sam thinks he's got something " I said and headed back inside with Dean close behind. We walked into the library. " what you got Sam " Dean said. They began discussing what they were going to do when a man appeared in the bunker. On instinct i pulled my gun from my jeans and cocked it. I pointed it at him. Sam ran over to me he took the gun from my hands. " It's ok he's a friend his name is Gabriel " I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. " hello Jordan " Gabriel said. How in the fuck did he know my name? On instinct i started reaching for my knife in my boot. " Jordan " Sam growled. I put my hands up in surrender. I heard Gabriel step towards me. " I've heard a lot about you " he states stepping closer. I was going to turn around and hit him.
" I wouldn't do that if I were you " he stated simply. I huffed in annoyance. " Ok what the fuck is going on here i would like to get back to trying to find my brother thanks " I stated annoyed at this new Gabriel guy. I heard a flutter of wings. I recognised it straight away to be cas. He appeared and i ran and hugged him. " brother " Cas grumbled. Making me look up to realise he was talking to Gabriel. I raised an eyebrow. Gabriel and Cas looked at each other for a moment.
" don't you dare " Cas growled glaring at Gabriel. " aw but i want to " Gabriel whined. " if she finds an angel blade and kills you I'm not going to tell her it was wrong " Cas said. He looked at Sam and Dean but they were sharing the same confused expression as me.
" Ok fine i wont say anything she gets on my nerves though then i will. " Gabriel stated. " and i will give her the angle blade myself " Cas said. Gabriel grumbled and sat on a chair in the corner. I turned back to the laptop and looked for where he might be keeping these teenagers. " Cas did you find anything? " I asked. But he shook his head. Gabriel chuckled in the  corner. " Is something funny Gabriel? " I asked not looking at him. " yes the fact that my brother can't locate a teenage boy and you can't help anyone because you can't do anything " i heard Cas walk over but other than that. Silence. The bunker was silent apart from Cas's footsteps. He took hold of me and we flashed out of the bunker. We ended up in front of a diner. We headed inside and sat down. I wasn't really hungry but cas got me to eat a little bit. Cas was about to talk to me but stopped. He was being prayed to. " I'll be back " He said and flashed out without giving me an explanation. I hated it when he did that. I was sat on my own and got some awkward stares so i headed outside for some air but what I didn't expect is that I would be knocked out

When I woke up my head was spinning and i was tied to a post. There were four other people in here one being Max. " Jordan it's a demon " He said just before it came in. " ah now your awake i can introduce you. Well you already know your brother but this is Mickey " He said. He looked extremely tired. The demon Glided a knife down his leg leaving a long wound but Mickey didn't move he just stared straight into the demons eyes not giving in. " this is Eddie " He said stabbing the knife in his arm and pulling it back out. He laughed when Eddie cried out in pain. He pointed to the last boy. " and this is Cameron " He stabbed the knife in his leg and left it there. Cam gritted his teeth together but otherwise did not move. I felt around at the material tying my arms together. It was duct tape he had used rope on the boys. Seriously how weak did he think I was? He started making fun of my disabilities. " you know Jordan here can't read or write and she has stupid little voices in her head. You know she's so pathetic " He said. After a little while longer of tormenting me he left. I knew he wouldn't be gone long. I pulled my wrists apart ripping the duct tape. I untied Max and he started untying the others. I heard the demon coming back so I pulled my demon knife from my boot and hid behind the wall waiting for him. He appeared and i stabbed him. He started flashing and orange color. I pulled my knife out and he fell to the floor. Max finished untying the boys. Eddie could walk as the demon stabbed his arm. Cam and Mickey couldn't though. I picked up Cam and Max got Mickey.  We headed outside. I prayed to Cas. " Cas get your feathery ass down here now " I said. Cas flashed up in front of us. He immediately noticed the state the three boys were in. He healed them and i gave my number to each of them. " if anything like this happens again call me ok because believe it or not supernatural things exist. " I waved to the boys and Cas teleported me and Max back to the bunker. Sadly Gabriel was still here. Max raised an eyebrow at Gabriel and look to me. I gave him a ' I don't want to talk about it ' look. Sadly Gabriel read my mind and brought it up. " ha Jordan was made fun of because she can't do anything  oh this is the best day of my life " He exclaimed wiping fake happy tears off his face. " Ok Cas where's that angel blade " I growled. Cas gave me the blade. I stepped towards Gabriel he cowered away to scared to flash out of the bunker. " now are you gonna shut you face or am I gonna kill you? " I growled. 

" I'll shut up ok " He said. I reached my hand out nd pulled him up. " jesus your just like Dean " He said. I smiled.
" Yeah I know "





Thanks for reading byeeeee 😛

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