Midnight Snack

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I sat there spinning the lollipop between my fingers for what must have been at least an hour...It was such a monotonous thing to do, but in pain and dazed as I was, it was a welcome distraction in the now quiet room. I had so many questions burning at the edge of my mind, but no idea when I'd get the opportunity to ask them...More than that though, I was worried. Worried about my safety. I didn't think I'd be able to ever sleep again in this place knowing just how ruthless these men actually were. I was truly in danger and every time I thought about what that meant, I began to panic. My stomach knotting up and my heart making a useless sprint to leave my chest. I couldn't do this. I couldn't stay in this room, lay on that bed, knowing that at some point he'd return. My fingers stilled and begun to shake as I thought about seeing his face again...

A big part of me was ashamed of my fear. I should be fighting for my freedom, my life. I should be bold and show him that he didn't hold any power over me. I was supposed to be strong. But fuck if I didn't feel weaker than a newborn kitten and just as afraid. I wanted so badly to close my eyes and wish this whole nightmare away. Yet I knew that wasn't possible. Sitting there with my thoughts running wild and my body throbbing with pain, I began to doze off. My eyelids grew heavy and keeping them open had become an extreme effort. Biting my lip, I tentatively came to a stand and clutched the towel tighter to my chest. My ankle protested the sudden pressure and I sucked back a sob, shifting the majority of my weight to my other leg. As much as I didn't want to, I needed to sleep. But not here. I couldn't sleep here.

This house was huge, and I already discovered that it contained multiple rooms. I just needed to find one that I could claim as my own. Except to do that, I'd have to leave this room. Memories of that monster's hands grabbing roughly at my body in intimate ways sent shivers cascading over me and terror raced through my limbs locking them in place. Oh God...What if something similar happened again? What if this time- Oh god!

Something hot streaked down my face and splashed against my chest, surprising me. I touched my cheek and pulled back to see my fingers wet with tears. Maybe I could say here...Maybe I'll be fine. I'm sure if I'm tired enough I'll fall asleep easily...The violent aftermath of Arseny's attack replayed through my mind and I wrapped my arms around myself as bile fought it's way up my throat. No. I definitely couldn't stay. Wobbling over to Gavriil's closet, I snatched the first dress shirt I saw and pulled it over me, doing up almost all the buttons. Feeling a bit more secure, I squared my shoulders and headed for the door.

* * *

Gavriil was livid as he stormed from the room and through the halls. Eating up the distance with long strides. One destination in mind. He didn't have time for these fucking games. "Ya sobirayus' zadushit' yeye! (I'm going to strangle her!)" he growled out under his breath.

It didn't take long for him to arrive in front of Ivan's bedroom door, even though it was located on the second floor. Moans seeped out from beyond the thick wood that blocked the entrance and he barely paused before lifting a fist and delivering a series of harsh knocks."Ivan! Out here. Now!" he demanded, stepping back and slipping his hands into the pockets of his slacks. A hush fell over the room before curses erupted, following the sound of movement. A few seconds later, Ivan opened the door shirtless and wearing a pair of dark blue unbuttoned pants that he clearly hauled on in a rush.

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