Into the Fire

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"...Are you planning to sulk all day?" I looked over at the dark haired male in the driver seat and barely held back a scoff. Of course, I was. I was just dragged out of school and then rushed off into a car without much in the ways of explanation. It was bad enough I was always escorted to and from school and had to decline most invites to hang out afterward, now I was also being excused because my dad, 'said so'? Shaking my head, I crossed my arms and looked away from my brother. My eyes stared out at the city blurring by, and I wondered if there would ever be a day when I could explore it uninhibited and even go beyond its boundaries with reckless freedom... "Stop." I jerked back to attention and turned to give my brother a confused look. "Stop what?" I asked in irritation. "Stop thinking like that." He pressed, taking a brief moment to turn green eyes, the same shade as mine, towards me. I instantly flushed angry and embarrassed that I apparently didn't even have privacy with my own thoughts.

"First of all, it's none of your damn business what I think about, and second, how could you claim to know what I was thinking?" I replied defensively, glaring at the older male. He tossed me a smirk before turning his eyes back to the road. "Because I know you. Plus, your expressions speak volumes," he explained, taking a turn and starting on a more quieter stretch of road. My eyes rounded in surprise and I blinked over at him, stunned. "...My expression? How the hell did you even see it? I was turned-" He cut me off before I could finish and pointed to the car door on my side. "Glass." My mouth made an 'o' shape as understanding dawned and he simply chuckled at me. "Listen, I get it, but you're only fourteen. The world is supposed to suck at that age, but you'll understand dad and me better when you're older," he reassured me. I knew he meant well, heart couldn't believe him. I don't think I would ever grow out of the feeling of wanting to be free...

~ ~ ~

I jolted awake with a gasp, my heart pounding and my body trembling. I didn't immediately understand my body's response until the memories of my current predicament came flooding back. Immediately after being pulled from the car, I remember the man lifting his gun and then a sharp pain in my head before I fell to the ground and everything went dark. Now, everything was still dark from the blindfold over my eyes and my hands were tied behind my back, creating a painful pressure in my shoulders. I started breathing hard, the urge to scream tickling my throat, but the thick material wedged between my lips and knotted at the base of my scalp made that impossible. A pathetic whimper escaped and my body jerked once more, courtesy of the moving vehicle I was in. I didn't exactly know what to do or think at this point. It was almost like my mind was ready to shut down and give in. Far too much happening much too fast. At first I had thought they were Gavriil's men, but something about the way they had been arguing and their voices free of a Russian accent...I just wasn't so sure anymore.

I tried shifting around as much as I could, but all I met was empty space. Was I maybe in a truck? But more importantly, where was I going and how was I going to get myself out of this one?

* * *

I had no idea how much time had past but I knew it had to be hours. The constant throbbing in my head made it hard to stay awake, sleep taking me every now and then. But I almost preferred the oblivion sleep offered. Awake, I was forced to deal with the knowledge that my freedom was once again taken from me and I was being brought to God knows where unable to do a thing about it. I'd pushed my injured body way past its limits escaping Gavriil, that I knew I couldn't run if given the chance. And with my mouth gagged as it was, I couldn't scream either, could barely fight back if the situation called for it...The hopeless feeling that wrapped arms around me like the embrace of a toxic lover was both devastating and humiliating. My mind wondered towards my earlier dream that I was sure had to have been a memory, and if that was the case...I had a brother. I would have chuckled if I could. What good did knowing that do for me now? As far as things seemed, I probably wouldn't be alive for much longer...

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