21 Questions and Counting

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I screamed and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting to hit the ground and crack open my already broken head. Instead, I hit something soft and bounced for a few seconds before settling. Huh? I slowly opened my eyes and realized he had dropped me on the same bed from earlier. Asshole did that on purpose! I thought furiously.

Looking up at him, I mustered up my best glare only to get an amused one in return. Pushing my long black hair out of my face I scrambled to my feet, ready to tell him where he could shove his smirk, but he was pointing something in my face that made my mouth go instantly dry. Oh my fucking gosh! Is that a gun? Holy shit! It's a gun! I thought frantically.

"Ah, I have your attention now. Yes?" I nodded like a bobble head doll, my face paling. "Good mysh (mouse)" he murmured and his expression grew serious. "Sit" he ordered and I wasted no time scrambling back on the bed. "Now. Let's get a few things straight. You are here because you're of use to me. A fact that's changing quickly courtesy of that empty little head of yours." I swallowed and eyed the gun warily.

Just who was this man? And what did he want with me? "But make no mistake mysh, I will have no problem hurting you if you defy me, attempt to escape, or anger me in any way." He leaned in, placing one hand on the bed and used the gun to lift my chin so I was forced to meet his gaze. I bit my lip to hold back a whimper and searched his ice blue gaze for any hint of mercy. There was none.

"If you want to survive with all your limbs intact, then I suggest you cop a new attitude when you're dealing with me." I squirmed under his unrelenting stare feeling uncomfortable and offended by his words. "I'm not your friend, I'm your fucking lifeline. Do we have an understanding?" I nodded wordlessly, wanting to cry, scream and yell all at once. "His eyes dropped to my lips. "Use your words." He commanded.

"Y-yes" I whispered, finally breaking eye contact. He moved the gun and leaned away from me. I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and stared at a random spot on the bed as if it was the most fascinating patch of fabric I'd ever seen. I heard him moving around the room but I didn't dare look up. A few minutes later he walked back to me and uttered a gruff, "here".

I looked up reluctantly to see him handing me a navy blue sweatshirt that was clearly his. There was no question that it would be beyond huge on me. He had to be at least six' three, and with his sleekly muscular frame, he dwarfed my petite height. Even so, it was better than walking around naked.

Taking it, I murmured a quick thank you, hastily looking down again. He didn't answer. Just turned and left me alone again in the big sterile room. I waited a few minutes before letting the sigh of relief that I was holding escape. With it, a few tears broke free and I bit my lip as I angrily swiped them away. If he thinks for one minute that I'm gonna take his threats and sit idly by then he better get used to disappointment. Sniffling, I slowly came to a stand and moved gingerly from the bed. Hugging the sweater to my chest, I slowly walked around the room trying to learn whatever I could about this mysterious man. He didn't have anything in here that looked overly personal. His bedside table held the bare minimum, a lamp and a clock. In fact, the entire room had that quality to it. Leaving me to believe he either didn't use it often, or it was newly decorated and he hadn't had time to put any personal touches on it. That or he was a robot with no sentimental value whatsoever.

There was a window on the far wall and my heart soared as my eyes landed on it. Rushing towards it as fast as I could on my injured ankle, I pushed the curtains opened and felt my heart sink as I realized I was about three floors up. Getting down safely would be nearly impossible and even if I did, there was no foliage to provide coverage from watchful eyes.

Instead, there was a massive pool and a well-manicured lawn that began at least twenty feet behind it and stretched out yards. With a disappointed huff, I shoved away from the pretty view and continued my investigation of the room. He had a walk in closet that was filled with expensive looking clothes I was scared to touch and shoes that were shined and polished to perfection. I did notice how carefully organized by colour they were and how they were placed just so, and it made me think he was either some sort of neat freak or just paranoid. I would assume having your items placed so specifically would make it easier to tell if someone had been through them. Walking back into the room, I noticed another door almost directly across the way and tentatively pushed it open to reveal an adjourned bathroom. My lie from earlier seemed even more embarrassing now. Stepping inside, I locked the door behind me and let my eyes take in the serene decor.

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