Chapter 39

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Cyborg's POV

I am back at the Tower in less than 10 minutes. I see Mandie in the living room with a giant bowl of popcorn. I wave and continue to the med bay.

I walk in on Raven dabbing BB's forehead with a wet washcloth. The basin beside him was full of a gross, red vomit.

"Rae, seriously, what's wrong with me?" Beast Boy asked.

"You-you have a-a tumor in your s-stomach. A-and I can't h-heal tumors, the-they're too complex." She cried onto his shoulder.

"Oh." Beast Boy whispers making Raven only cry harder.

"BB, we need to take you to the hospital. They can care for you better there. We can find out what to do." I cut in.

Beast Boy just nods his head, Raven and I each hook an arm under his shoulders and carry him to the car. Raven grabs a basin and tells the babysitter we'd be back in a few hours. Mandie looked concerned when she saw that Raven had been crying, but we had no time.

Raven runs back to the car just as I finish clipping the seatbelt in the backseat. She crawls in beside him and I get in the front. I start the engine and tear down the street, the underwater bridge that I built that connected to the mainland reels up on steel cables. The bridge would stay underwater but the T-car and Raven's van have a sensor that activates it.

We're at the hospital in ten minutes. Well we would have been but BB threw up three times, causing us to pull over twice. He's puke was no longer chunky, it was a weird orangey color because bile and blood was mixed with it. I felt bad seeing grass stain like this, he looked pale and frail. Raven would pat his forehead with a washcloth after he was done. She laid his head gently in her lap and would stroke his hair.

I carried the small body into the hospital calling for help. The nurses came first but then BB threw up again and a few doctors rushed out. I handed them the x-rays of Beast Boys stomach with they looked at carefully. The nurses has Beastie on a bed wrapped in pre-heated blankets and had a basin at his side. A janitor was cleaning up his puke.

"Okay, this tumor isn't too bad but it will only get worse if it isn't removed. That means he would go into surgery as soon as possible which would be today or tomorrow morning. Is that okay?" One of the doctors informed me. I look to Raven who was crying by Beast Boy's bed. I nodded my head and BB was rushed to a room.

Beastie was hooked up to several machines including an IV and heart monitor. Raven sat beside him holding his hand. About ten minutes later a doctor walks in.

"Mrs. Logan, we have an opening in the O.R. surprisingly in about two hours. Would you like Garfield to take the opening?" I knew what she meant by a surprised opening; somebody passed away before they could get the help they needed.

"Yes, please!" Raven replied not noticing what the doctor meant.

"Okay, I will have the nurses prepare him." The doctor walked out pressing a call button on her pager. I look at Beastie, he's sleeping but not very soundly. He was whining softly, I'm assuming his stomach didn't feel too good.

Nurses walked in with a hospital gown, what I assumed was the medication to knock him out and a few other small things. Raven and I picked Beast Boy up, and the nurses striped him to his boxers. Beastie wasn't much help, he was half asleep. We slid the gown over is head and tied the back. Once he was back on the bed a nurse pulled out the drip and inserted the sleeping medication. Within minutes he was out. Raven was holding his hand crying quietly. Soon after a few nurses and doctors came in. Raven kissed his forehead slightly and watched him leave with tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, if you want you can go see Star. I'll be in the waiting room." Raven told me.

"No, Rae. You're my little sister, I'm not going to leave you now." I pulled her into a hug and she cried harder. "Rae, he'll be fine. You know that."

"I know." She choked out pulling away from the hug and we walked out.

Okay that's about it.

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