Glottory/Greed; Pros Love Part 3

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This chapter is dedicated to - FluffyErynn5 !! Thanks for commenting and supporting  x x


"Can I ask you something?" She asks after a few seconds of what weirdly feels like loud silence.

"Ummm." I whisper.

Apart of me was worried about what she would ask but the other part of me was intrigued.

"Yeah go for it, ask me." I say finally.

"Aren't you worried about your health."

I look at her confused for a while."

"Excuse me." I say taken back. 

Huny chuckles shrugging.

"I'm just asking if you worry because.. I worry."

I watch her in confusion as she grabs the covers and covers herself.

"We all got a story Julian, some more worth telling and some not so much."

"Huny is something going on?" I ask beginning to worry.

Why was she confiding in the likes of me?

"Just listen Julian. For once, I want a guy to listen and do what I want."

"Am I getting paid for that?" I ask with a giggle. Thinking a light joke will loosen the tension surrounding the room.

Huny stares at me expressionless raising her left eyebrow.

"Not fucking funny Julian." She says sharply.

"Sorry" I reply, holding my hands up in protest.

"Just fuck me again before the times up, that's what your paying for isn't it." She wails.

"We still have time, I'll listen to you." I say quickly.

Seeing Huny so vulnerable had all my walls down and ears open. She seems in need of someone to hear her out and I was willing to do that.

"I just worry about myself, in what I do and where I'll be in years to come. Don't you worry about that?".

I look down into my lap, eyeing my chubby legs and huge size feet. 

Of course I worried. I spend most my time doing that but when I was fulfilling my sexual needs, I barely thought of how the lady involved feels.

"Yeah Huny, I worry, all the time but I've become accustomed with my life now and it is what it is."

Huny shakes her head in a no gesture.

"I hate how people stare at me as I trug down the road, or when I struggle into my car or trip over my clumsy feet. But I also am used to it and dealing with it."

"But you can change Julian, be the man you want to be. What is stopping you? I say this because one day I want to change, be a regular lady working the 9 till 5."

"Your words are inspiring and all but.."

"I don't want to hear your excuses Julian, your a guy with a heart and with a push of confidence you can be all you want to be, just don't give up without even trying."

There is a long pause as I process what Huny is saying.

Of course there is times I think I can do be better and be better. There's time I wish prostitutes wasn't the answer and I could secure myself a real women... But..But..

"Listen Julian, forget what I said." Huny says loudly interrupting my thoughts.

"You're a grown man and you can make your own decisions, who am I too judge?".

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