Chapter 14

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The next morning arrives sooner than I had hoped

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The next morning arrives sooner than I had hoped. For once, I just wanted to be able to lay in bed, sleep away all my worries and fears. But no, duty calls and ruins everything. The Elders are making the four of us clean the entire village. We have no choice but to dust, sweep, and mop every little thing residing in this broken down place.

When I arrive down stairs, I'm surprised by the smell of bacon and coffee. A smile co,es upon my face when I enter the kitchen. "Hector, you made us breakfast?" I question the man. He turns to me, smiling while handing me a cup of coffee.

"It's been a while since I've had guests over for breakfast, so I figured it'd be a great opportunity to do so." He replies. "The Baudelaires are out on the porch." I give him one last smile before heading outside. The Baudelaires smile at me, Klaus scooting over for me to join. I sit in silence, letting the siblings speak with one another. A breeze goes by, and two slips of paper land on the table.

Klaus picks one up, and I read the words over his shoulder. "It's a couplet." It is. I only know one person who likes couplets.

"Isadora." I breathe out. "That's her handwriting." The Baudelaires share a look, before jumping out of their chairs and sprinting to the Nevermore Tree. They jump up, calling out for the Quagmires. But there's nothing up there. I sigh, bowing my head in sorrow. We're never going to find our friends.


We've been cleaning around the village for hours, all the meanwhile searching for Duncan and Isadora. But with no luck. We can't find them. I'm not even sure they're here. For all we know, Olaf could have trapped them somewhere else.

The four of us are now heading to Firehouse Saloon. Hector told us to dust it because no one else has for years. Entering, my eyes widen at the sight of the red herring statue. The same one my friends were held captive in. "Duncan! Isadora!" I exclaim, running to the statue. The Baudelaires join me, and together, the three of us manage to open the bird. My heart drops. They're not here. It's empty. "Damn it. We were so close." I run my fingers through my hair, pacing the floor angrily.

Klaus steps in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulder. "It's okay. We're going to find them." He reassures, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. Sighing, I nod my head. I need to have faith. I will see my friends again. I just really hope it's not in a bag.

Cheers sound from outside, and the four of us go to investigate. The crowd chants, claiming Olaf has been captured. We join the citizens in the town hall, waiting anxiously for the meeting to begin. The Elders bring out the prisoner, only it's not Olaf.

We try to tell the crowd, but no one will listen to us. Especially when the real Olaf enters horribly disguised as a detective. Mr. Poe begins to describe Olaf, the prisoner clearly not fitting any of the descriptions. "Olaf has a tattoo of an eye on his left ankle." I smile. This man won't have it.

He lifts his leg up, displaying his ankle to the crowd. A gasp escapes my lips, because this man does have a tattoo of an eye on his left ankle.

I love Klaus and Ellis so much. They're so cute together.
Klellis? Ellaus?

Despite the Pain -Klaus Baudelaire FFWhere stories live. Discover now