Chapter 18

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Third POV
Please read the note I left at the bottom!!!!

Klaus enters the operating theater, fake beard beginning to itch his face

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Klaus enters the operating theater, fake beard beginning to itch his face. Two surgical beds rest in the room, a body on both. Violet and Ellis. Klaus pales, his feet glued to the floor. He can feel the eyes of the audience, watching him with hungry eyes. It's then he realizes what they want. They want to watch two innocent girls -children- have their heads removed. It's like they don't understand Olaf would be killing them.

Olaf smirks at the young boy. "Ah, Dr. Faustus. I've been eagerly awaiting you. And so have our sleeping beauties." He motions towards the two unconscious girls. "Well, hurry along Dr. Faustus. The anesthesia won't last forever." Klaus picks up his feet, walking slowly to Olaf. The horrible man begins to speak to the audience, informing them of the different tools he will be using during the operation. While he does so, Klaus takes the time to speak with Sunny, who is hidden inside the lab coat.

The audience begins to chant, encouraging the fake doctors to perform the surgery. Klaus panics, trying to find a way to stall. Sunny mumbles something, and Klaus internally cheers. "Wait! There is one more thing to be done!" The crowd silences. "Paperwork! We haven't done the paperwork!" The crowd breaks out into a frenzy, all trying to find a way to complete the paperwork quickly.

Olaf and Esme sneer, stepping closer to the young boy. "You may have found a way to stall, but sooner or later, the show will go on." Olaf hisses. "Unless you give me what I want."

"Give me what you stole last night at Library of Records." Esme commands. "It's mine."

Klaus glances at his sister and lover, realizing he'll have to give away the only clue about VFD in order to save them. "If it'll keep Violet and Ellis safe." He reaches into his pocket, handing the film over to the two criminals.

Esme stares at the object in confusion. "This isn't the sugar bowl."

Klaus furrows his eyebrows. "No, it's the Snicket file." Olaf quickly grabs it, informing the revealing to the audience that Dr. Faustus is actually two children in disguise before running away. The crowd gasps, shouting at the young boy.

Violet wakes up, gaining her brother's attention. He smiles warmly at her, but then remembers the situation. Someone shouts, calling for the others to capture the four children. Klaus hurriedly sets Sunny down, reaching to pick up Ellis. He places her next to his sisters, pushing the gurney out of the room. "Ellis, if you're going to wake, now would be a good time."

Remembering something from a movie, Violet rises on the bed. She stares at the blonde, hoping the girl won't be angry with her. Raising her arm, she takes a deep breath, before punching the blonde on the cheek. Ellis's eyes shoot open, and she groans at the pain. "What the hell?" Violet stares down at her, hand formed into a fist. "Did you just punch me?"

Klaus chuckles at her words, quickly explaining what's going on. They get to a set of stairs, them being the only way of escape. Ellis and Violet stumble, leaning on the wall for support. Klaus would help, but he's the only one capable of carrying Sunny. The four reach a room, barricading the door behind them so no one can enter. "The hospital is burning.' Ellis reminds the siblings. "We can't stay in here forever."

Glancing around, Violet spots something in the corner. "The surgical tubing, we can tie it up to make a cord." Klaus grabs it, doing as his sister says. When Violet tells the blonde to wrap the tube around her waist, Ellis pauses. Sure, the Baudelaires are smart and their ideas always work, but she's still skeptical.

Soon, the four children are all wrapped up in the tubing, standing on the window ledge. "This just might be the best way to die." The Baudelaires ignore her comment. Ellis reaches for Klaus's hand, holding onto it tightly as they begin to fall. When they land safely, Ellis lets out a breath of relief.

The four hide behind some bushes, searching for a way to sneak off. Ellis catches Violet glancing at Olaf's car, immediately shaking her head. "No." She protests. "I'd rather go to jail than be near them ever again." She moves to show herself to the crowd, but Klaus manages to pull her down before she can be spotted.

"Ellis, it's the only way." Klaus tells her. "There's no where else for us to go."

Ellis shakes her head. "I can't do this anymore, Klaus." She admits, tears brimming her eyes. "I'm so tired of running. Olaf always finds us. He wants to kill me." She holds his hands tightly. "I hope you stay safe, and that you find your answers...but I'm done looking for mine." She leans in, pressing a hard kiss to his lips. "I love you." She breaks away quickly, dodging Klaus's reaching arms. She stands before the crowd, still as they all turn to her.

Mr. Poe reaches her first, looking at her with disappointment as he leads her into his car. While he starts the car, she stares at the window, watching sadly as Olaf's car passes.

Some of you are probably going to be mad that I'm not doing the Carnivorous Carnival, but hear me out. I don't want Ellis's story to follow the Baudelaires. She's terrified of Olaf and his plans for her. She loves Klaus and his siblings, but she doesn't want to live that life anymore. So, she left them.
When the next season comes, I will include Ellis. As for now, would you guys want me to write some extra chapters? They could be about anything. I could do her life after this moment, before she met the Baudelaires, or anything else you guys would want.
Anyways, thanks for reading!

Despite the Pain -Klaus Baudelaire FFWhere stories live. Discover now