•Art and History Class•

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Peter's POV
I made sure that I sat by her so no other boy will ask out my super model beautiful best friend. Liz was just a distraction, yeah she was beautiful, but not Wanda beautiful, she was a special kind of beautiful. She was the most beautiful creature known to man.

Wanda was drawing a beautiful portrait of Natasha, Natasha made sure one of us drew her a portrait and since Wanda's the better artist I made sure she does it. Natasha would cut off my balls if I drew her. I couldn't draw for shit.

I was just drawing a bunch of Iron Man suits, I had the original, Mark 42 and the most recent one. It was free draw day. Wanda had been working on the portrait since her first day of school. She makes sure she puts as much details as possible, she wants to make Natasha proud.

I admire her art style. It's like a mix of Anime style and her own touch. She makes every drawing beautiful, but not as beautiful as her. I suck at drawing, I get jealous of the people in the class. I only signed up so Wanda and I could be together.

I loved her since I've met her.

But she could never love me back.

Wanda's POV: (trigger warning)
I could feel Peter looking at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, unlike most people like me with brown eyes that look like shit. Peter's eyes were beautiful and mesmerizing, I could look in his eyes forever. I loved his eyes, fluffy brown hair, and everything else.

I loved him so much.

My drawing of Natasha is so bad, she's going to be so disappointed and disgusted with it. Ugh i sucked at drawing, at everything, I was fat, I couldn't let anyone know that I throw up almost after every meal. I don't for breakfast because everyone is there and would question. For lunch I just say I'm full from lunch and "eat" dinner, I take it to my room and give it to the dogs.

Even after all that effort I was still fat.

This class is taking forever, I asked if I could use the bathroom, the teacher allowed me to and I left. I went to the bathroom and threw up. I hated my body so much I resorted to cutting.

Once I was done with my vomit, I pulled up my sleeve and saw old scars, freshly made scars, light scars and deep scars. Luckily none of them were deep enough to get stitches, but pretty close.

I cried and cut a few more scars, one of them went deeper than expected and the cut gushed out blood I had to cover it quick but it took forever for it to stop. Once it stopped I ran back to art class. Peter questioned what took so long and I told him there was a long line.

5 minutes later....

The class finally ended. Peter and I packed up our stuff and my sleeve fell down a little I didn't notice until Peter questioned and I pulled it up quickly. I ignored his questions and we headed to History class.

Peter's POV:
I noticed something on Wanda's arm as we left Art, I tried to question her, but she would change the subject. I watched her lips move, they were perfect and glossy. I could just kiss them.

After school I'm going to corner her in her room and ask about it, but now I have to pay attention in History, mostly because someone special is coming to class today. It's a surprise for our class and I'm nervous.

After 5 minutes of waiting I saw someone open the door.

"MR TONY STARK!!!!" Yelled one student.

I looked at Wanda at the same time she looked at me.

"TONY" we yelled together. Tony smiled and winked at us.

Tony ended up talking about Stark Internships, how you could apply and what are the requirements. Wanda was drawing the whole time, this time it was a picture of Steve and Tony holding hands. Since my Aunt May died I became Steve and Tony's "son", They are in the process of adopting me.

Class ended and Tony pulled Wanda and I aside. "Just date already." Tony said, Wanda had a tint of blush and rolled her eyes and I looked down at my feet and blushed.

"Now get to your next class"

Wanda nodded and pushed me out the door and we walked to our lockers and grabbed our things for next class. I went to Wanda's locker after I was done grabbing my stuff.

I decided to sneak up behind her and scare her.
"BOO" I screamed and grabbed her shoulders, she jumped and almost fell to the ground. I made sure she didn't, she turned around and slapped me a few times.

"Peter Parker! You are the worst friend ever!" She said, still slapping me. I took the risk and grabbed her hands and moved my hands to her face and kiss her lips softly. She froze under my touch and soon kissed back. Suddenly I felt someone tap on my shoulder. "Well it's about time!" Pietro yelled.

Wanda and I blushed and walked with him to band class. Wanda was in Choir next door and Pietro and I were in band. It's nice that Choir teams up with Band almost everyday so I could see her face.

She was going to be mine, I knew it.

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