{2} T H E -B L O O D Y - T R U T H

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Natalia's P.O.V

Groaning loudly i woke up tied to a chair and in a dark and nasty room

they had me tied up with zip ties, Amateurs, i bent my head to connect with my hands so i could grab my bobby pin from the base of my hair

I made quick work of my restraints and stood to look around the small room, there wasn't much but there was a security camera in the room, it was inactive though

I pulled my chair over and stood on it to reach the camera, i quickly worked trying to use it to send a message to an old friend for help, i managed to send a basic 'SOS been taken black eyes' in a loop of Morse code to her lap top

Before i could send anymore i was yanked back by the female demon, and was flung to the floor

I hit my head, pretty hard and my last though before i passed out was of Charlie my only friend....

(Unconscious/Dream/Flashback) Still in Natalia's P.O.V. A couple years ago

"Who the heck are you?!" i heard the red head shout shocked by a child sitting at her computer in her home

I turned around a small smirk on my face and said "I'm Natalia, and you are Charlotte Bradbury"

"first off i know who i am second of all don't call me Charlotte, its Charlie, and thirdly ill say again what the heck do you want?!" Charlie rambled off

I Smiled and stood up saying "okay Charlie, like i said my name is Natalia i'm a hacker just like you and i need your help "

Charlie looked at me confused and asked "if your a hacker what do you need me for?"

"because Charlie who i'm looking to hack happens to be supernatural, and i know that's something else you specialize in" I spoke as i approached her

Charlie shook her head and said "i'm not some super great hunter, i'm not the person you need"

I laughed, "i don't need you to fight, or even come with me, i simply need information on how to handle the supernatural"

"Oh, okay that i can do"Charlie mumbled

I smiled and said "well Charlie, i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship"

(End of Unconscious/Dream/Flashback) Still Natalia's P.O.V

I woke up remembering that last sentence, it was the start of years of friendship, until a week ago, i hadn't been in contact with Charlie for months, almost a year, until last week

I figured we could catch up, but she never responded leading me to this position, I think, i'm not entirely sure why i'm here, the door to the room opened to reveal the two demons, but i'm guessing i'm about to find out

The female demon walked up to me and grabbed me by the hair, she seemed to like doing that, and reared my head back, "do you know what we need?" she snarled at me

"well for starters you could use a breath mint" I said while scrunching my nose up in disgust 

Apparently she didn't like that answer because it was met by a back hand across the cheek

She took a couple steps back and asked "Do you know why your here?"

"Sweetheart if i knew why i was here i'd already be long gone" I snapped back

The Female rolled her eyes "like father, like daughter" she snarled

I smirked "that's why i'm here, my dad, so who's your boss? hmm? Lucifer? Metatron?, who am i dealing with?"

The male demon piped in, "maybe we should take her in, the boss isn't gonna be happy with us"

The female rolled her eyes and snapped her head in the direction of her partner "Although i was gonna say that, your still weak, and weak doesn't survive" finishing her sentence she lunged a angel blade through the males stomach, killing him

"That'll be you if you try and escape" The female growled

I smiled and said sweetly "No, that'll be you if you freaking touch me again"

"oh really" the demon muttered, she stalked towards me, she was standing right in front of me and i took my window of opportunity and bashed my head into hers sending her to the floor, i quickly maneuver so i could crash the chair down onto the demon, after that i pulled the blade out of the dead one and stabbed it into her chest, she fell to the ground

I quickly stood and prayed that there were no more demons

i made it out of the compound without a hitch, I grabbed my stuff, and made my way to the closest hotel, i needed a plan if something supernatural was coming, and it't gonna have to be a great one if my fathers involved

I was currently sat in a crappy hotel room watching Scoooby-Doo, when i decided to pull out my laptop and figure out what the heck happened with Charlie and why she wasn't answering, i tried to reach her through her laptop but i couldn't so i switched to phone she picked up

"Charlie where the heck have you been?!" i shouted not even giving her time to talk

"I'm sorry, this isn't Charlie" A male voice responded 

"Who are you? and what have you done to Charlie?!" I growled at the man over the phone, while placing a track on the call

"I didn't do anything to her, she's a friend, like a little sister" The man said

"Your Sam Winchester" I whispered out

"How do you know who i am?" Sam questioned

"Shes dead, isn't she?" I asked

"I'm sorry, she is, who are you?" Sam asked

"An old friend" i choked out before quickly hanging up 

I sat with my head in my hands, tears streaming down my face, "SHE CAN'T BE DEAD, SHE CAN'T" i screamed at the wall, i picked up my phone and flung it smashing it, i repeated it in my head like a mantra.....

She can't be dead

She can't be dead

She can't be dead

but no amount of denial could bring her back, and know i'm truly alone

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