This is literally just crack ((Errormare))

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This was requested by KinkyLilShiet 

Edward was sitting in his room, ignoring the screaming going on around him and the whining from his brothers. He had a new obsession, that wasn't Isaac. This Nevin kid. Something had to be up with him! And it seemed like Chris had ties with this kid, so if he could get things out of Chris he could learn more about this random kid. 

Nevin was laying on his bed, worrying about Drew (Who was out, busy) when he got a call. It was from Chris! He assumed it would be Chris asking to come over since he lived so close. He answered. 

"Hey, Chris." 

"Hey, Nev- Edward is bothering me to give him your address," Chris explained. 

"Uh- What..?" 

"Dunno, he wants it for some reason. Can I give it to him?"


"If I don't get it he'll-"

"Fine." Nevin murmured. He wasn't going to enjoy Edward being over- He barely knew the guy, why would he want to come over?! 

Nevin sighed and got up. He went and took a shower, not wanting to look horrid when Edward came to his house. He was- Intrigued by Ed but he also didn't want to deal with him. Drew had told him how bad Isaac had been stalked by him, and he knew he did NOT want to be the person being stalked next. 

Edward walked up to Nevin's house, knocking on the door. He was happy he got Nevin's address from Chris. He waited patiently as Nevin came and opened the door. He was wearing a tank top and shorts, his hair still wet from the shower he had taken about fifteen minutes ago. 

Nevin sighed and moved out of the way of the door, letting Edward in. He stared at him as he walked in. Ed went and sat down on his couch, Nevin sitting beside him. He hated this. Why couldn't it just have been Chris? 

Nevin and Edward talked for a bit, leading to pretty much nothing. They didn't even talk about anything interesting, just normal things, like how school was going. It was so boring. 

Edward got up and left. Nothing interesting had happened then. Nevin sighed. 

~A few months later after the two have gotten to know each other better~

Edward had been hanging out with Nevin a lot. It made Isaac happy- He wasn't stalked anymore, that was great. Nevin and Edward had also grown closer, and it would be a lie if Edward were to say he didn't have a little bit of a crush on Nevin. 

Ed went to Nevin's house, as per usual. The two talked about random shit until the topic of love was brought up. It started with Nevin talking about the rumors about him and Isaac. Ed explained he didn't have any kind of feeling of love towards Isaac, but he did murmur something about loving someone. 

This got Nevin more curious. Who would the King of The School love? He began to pester Edward about this, which made him get up and just leave.

He ended up not talking to Nevin for a long while until his crush on him was gone. 

Lmao I didn't know how to end this, sorry. 

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