Two Negatives make a Positive (Shattered Dream x Nightmare)

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This was requetsed by MariaBlodgett

Nightmare had recently fallen into a universe that was not his own. He rubbed his head as he got up off of the ground and grumbled quietly, mostly about how his magic was acting up and was stupid. He quietly walked around the Universe he was in, unable to really do anything other than with his goop. 

As Nightmare walked he saw something in the distance. It was something goopy, like him, but he could tell they weren't. Instead of having blue highlights over where the light reflected from the goop, it was golden- And the aura he got off of them was a bit less negative than Nightmare's. 

Quietly, Nightmare walked up to the figure. As soon as they sensed him they turned around, growling. "The fuck you doing here?!" They- He, now apparent, asked. Nightmare's eye-lights widened, though only one was visible due to his goop. "Dream?" He asked, shocked. What had happened to his brother? 

 The goopy mess that was NOT Nightmare scoffed. "Sure, call me whatever." He turned away from Nightmare and began to walk. He wasn't going to deal with some random Nightmare coming up to him and barging him with questions. 

"Dream wait-" Nightmare tried. Shattered, pissed at this point, turned and let out a growl, tentacles sprouting out of his back. Night's eye-lights widened again, dodging the tentacles with his own, forcing himself up into the air. "That's Shattered to you, now fuck off." The sans said, turning away and trying to walk again. 

Soon enough he teleported away, leaving Nightmare to think. Shattered.. He felt like he had heard that name before, maybe from Dream or Ink. He did occasionally stalk the two- Not wanting anyone to hurt his brother. They may have been rivals, but he was still overprotective. 

-A few months later- 

Nightmare had constantly pestered Shattered for the past few months. It was getting on his nerves, though he had started to see another side of this adorable- No, disgusting creature. He seemed to lighten up when Shattered would talk to him. Disgusting. 

Shattered was sitting on the edge of a cliff, throwing rocks off of it and listening and counting how long it took for them to fall. This would be a great place for battle. He could watch every one of his victims fall off of the cliff to their inevitable demise.

Shattered chuckled to himself as he threw another rock off of the cliff, waiting. After a long while, instead of hearing the subtle thump of the rock hitting the gound, he heard someone sitting next to him. Nightmare. 

Shattered turned his head to Nightmare with a glare. He let out a soft scowl at the other, though not as harsh as when they had first met. "What do you want?" The annoyed Sans asked the other, glancing back down to the rocks he was throwing. 

Nightmare, leaning back and letting out a whine, said, "I'm bored." "Well go deal with that yourself, dumbass." Shattered growled, getting up from his spot on the cliff to walk away. Nightmare, getting up as well, began to follow Shattered. 

Annoyed, Shattered turned around to face his stalker. "The hell?!" He growled out. "Bored." Nightmare stated with a shrug. Shattered growled, forming his tentacles and wrapping them around Nightmare. "Stay the fuck away from me, creep." 

Nightmare chuckled, looking at him. "You wouldn't want me to." He stated, making Shattered's eye-lights get small. "The hell do you mean?!" He question, squeezing the other tightly. All of the goop around Nightmare protected him from the wrath of Shattered's squeezing.

Shattered eventually, after several attempts to squeeze Night to death, dropped him. He began to walk off. "Go away." He growled at Nightmare, who was still following him. "Nah, I'm good." He said, continuing to follow Shattered. 

Eventually Nightmare caught up to Shattered, walking beside him. Shattered let out a quiet grumble, but didn't tell him to leave. Nightmare chuckled, moving his hand to touch Shattered. "Oh no-" Shattered growled. "We're not doing that touchy shit." He said, jerking his hand away from Night. 

"Aw c'mon, you know you'd like it." Night teased. Shattered growled, looking away. "So what?" Nightmare chuckled, smiling a bit. He moved his arm to be around Shattered. At first, Shattered tried to push Nightmare away, but inevitably accepted his fate and just let it be, occasionally letting out grumbles on how annoyed he was with this. 

Soon enough the two were sitting down, tired of walking. Nightmare looked to Shattered and smiled a bit. "What?" Shattered growled, glancing at Nightmare. Without any words, Nightmare leaned over and gave Shattered a soft kiss.

Before Shattered had time to react Nightmare teleported away, leaving  Shattered to his own thoughts. He leaned back and stared up at the sky quietly, thinking over what had just happened. 

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