The Plan

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"Alright are we ready to do this?" I asked and everyone nodded. We were all standing around the cars ours with weapons and Scott's pack with none. Although they didn't know about our weapons yet, but Scott will know once we start to Go inside. We were standing outside of the school, tonight was a lacrosse game and we knew Wicked was going to be here. I mean not know but it's a place were a lot of teenagers are gathering of course they were going to be there. The only way part 1 of our plan to work is for Janson to be there.

"Are we sure this is going to work?" Lydia asked and Minho slightly laughed. "Let's hope so." He said reaching in the car to grab Newts spears and me a gun. I cocked it smiling and put it in my waist band. "Wait we aren't going to hurt anyone right?" Scott asked and I laughed grabbing another smaller gun sticking it on my shoe. "If necessary, we do what we have to in order to survive. You go soft you get killed, that's how Wicked works." I said looking at the pack, everyone of them were silent. They knew what we did but hearing me come out and say it scared them a little. I could tell, anyone with eyes could tell, really.

"I know I just-" Scott said but Newt stepped up and stopped him mid sentence. "I know you don't like it Scotty boy, but it's how things are going to work. If you don't like it stay here, if not then shut up and deal with it." Newt put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it before walking off and checking on everyone else. Scott was staring at me astonished, "What? Newt's gotta point you know." I said walking off to stand with Newt and my friends. Sonya was unloading all her gear from the car. Our plan was that Sonjia, Minho, and I will sit with the crowd and keep an eye on as many students as we could. Newt, Fry, Aris, Brenda, and George were stationed at certain parts of the school keeping an eye on anyone that might happen to walk around the school.

Scott and his pack eventually agreed to help even though we were using weapons and weren't fund of our methods or what Sonya calls "a means to an end". Scott, Liam, and Issac were playing on the field so they would keep an eye on the players and any suspicious activity around them. Lydia and Malia were going to be with us in the crowd, while Derek and Peter helped everyone else around the school.

"Alright let's get set up before people start coming in. It's going to be busy and loud but do not let anything distract you, got it? We get distracted, we don't pay attention, someone else gets taken. You all know the plan let's go." Everyone went to walk away but Newt stayed beside me. "Are you sure this is the only way?" He asked and I nodded. I noticed Scott standing near by listening to our conversation so I didn't want to say too much. "Yeah, we can't let anyone else get taken." I smiled closing the doors to my car and locking it. "Plus I know you guys, we can pull this off and kill those sons of bitches." I smiled and he patted my back. "Come on Scotty boy we have some ass to kick!" Newt laughed noticing him standing near by. Scott jumped and then slightly smiled, he grabbed my arm stopping me and Newt as well. "Is there something about the plan you aren't telling us?" He asked and I frowned. "Scott do you not trust me?" I ask faking being hurt and he scoffed "I do, it's just I don't want hurt anybody" he stated and I patted him on the back. "Don't worry the only one that's gonna die tonight is Ratman and anybody working for him. So unless you're working for him you've got nothing to worry about." He nodded his head and walked off leaving Newt and I. "Newt I just want to say if anything happens to me-" I start to say but Newt angrily shushed me. "Nothing going to happen to you not if I have a say in it." I smiled at him and we walked away to take our places in the crowd.

Everyone split up around the school covering as much ground as possible while the rest of us sat in the crowd. As the game started nothing looked suspicious it looked like a normal high school sports game but once it hit half time I happened to see a white van pull up outside. "Newt look" I whispered in his ear and moved my eyes in the direction of the van. His eyes went wide and a worried expression appeared on his face. "Go find Minho, I'll call you if anything happens out here, please be carful." I nodded and walked inside the school one hand on my gun one hand on a hidden pocket knife. "Minho!" I whispered around the hall he's supposed to be in. I see a head poke out from behind a set of lockers and I run to him. "What are you doing in here?" He asked "it's Jansen, he's here." His face drops right as we hear foot steps. I peer around the corner and I see him, Jasen, and six other guards all around him loaded with heavy duty weapons. "Oh Thomas I know you're in here just come out and hand yourself in. It would be much easier that way." Minho and I are squeezed up against the wall but I look at him and I see fury in his face. He lunges out from behind the lockers and starts running towards Jansen. "Over my dead body!" He yells and I run after him yelling shooting my gun. Not too long after we are met by everyone else who was inside plus Newt because he was worried and followed me inside.  Aris wasn't with us though, I looked around watching us all fight these dudes and Aris was no where to be found.

I walked up to Jansen and held a gun to his head I almost pulled the trigger but for some reason I couldn't. "Oh Thomas don't you want to know where your little friend Aris went?" He asked and I shot him in the leg causing him to grimace in pain. "Now Thomas do that again and he dies. Turn yourself into us or we will keep coming after your friends one by one." I stepped closer to him but Newt jumped in front of me. "Over my dead body slint head!" He spat at Jansen and he smirked. "Well suit yourself, we'll be seeing you soon Thomas" Jansen said as he walked back into the shadows, without giving us back Aris. Step one: success.

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