dear me: kim dahyun's birthday

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may 20, 2018

dear me, 

only 8 days until i turn 20. less than 2 years until i get to move to new york. why am i moving, you may ask? it's because the new york city ballet is there. it's pretty much world famous. plus, if i get in, i'll perform in the nutcracker! it's one of the nycb's most famous ballets. now, my life as a college student so far. i've took a part time job at the school cafe as a barista. i'm doing this because i need to afford the money for the move. but when it comes to assignments, it's exam season. and it is SUPER HARD. like how am i supposed to memorize all of this? and there'ssocial media. people are really out there to be well known and popular. it's honestly really tiring. i know this is waytoo abstract for a journal entry, but iwanna get all of this out.

sincerely, me

may 21, 2018

dear me,

today i got to hang out with my friends today as my day off from studio head. it was so fun! i also got gifts from my fellow dancers as part of a thank you. they were so nice! it's cool that we still get to support each other even though we have off days. i've been with these guys ever since i moved, like they're my family. and it'll be heartbreaking when they have to face me moving. i've been a dancer along with them since i was 14, and when i first arrived, they were in the beginner classes. now, they're in the troupe representing the studio in dance competitions. i can't be more proudof them. this'll be life-changing.

sincerely, me

may 22, 2018

dear me,

man, yesterday was all about dance! now, i will be talking about my life in college in detail. it's only my 2nd year, but so much has changed. we had to deal withfires and our reputation going down. curriculum has gotten harder, and there isn't much time left. the year's almost over, which means exams and cleaning up our rooms. being a college student is hard and stressful. you've been warned.

sincerely, me

may 23, 2018

dear me,

only 5 more days left! and... the year's almost over! finally! i get to spend more time with my family and the studio! last timei got to spend the day with my family was2 months ago. that's a long time, right? i guess. now, onto the topic about my family. i have only one sibling, but it's fine. like even though we fight a lot, we're still friends in the end. i love him so much. now about my parents. they may be a little kooky, but they know that they're with me and my brother. like him, i love them. overall, my family is very important to me and i'm so lucky to have them in my life.

sincerely, me

may 24, 2018

so, there's 4 more days until i turn 20. i cannot even believe it! my birthday's also memorial day, which means we have the day off. finally! and, the year's almost over, which means freedom! i'm so excited for summer, and the fact that we're traveling back to south korea for vacation! ahh, going back to my hometown of seongnam after years. it's gonna turn out different but it's still the same city. sorry but i'm ending this entry here. see you whenever.

sincerely, me

may 25, 2018

upcoming last weekend of being 19. so, i guess i'll post pictures from last year from my scrapbook? no, that'll take up too much space for my diary. plus, i'm near the last page already... it's almost full! i guess puberty hit me like a truck over these past few years. ahaha. honestly, not really. i'm still the same old dahyun from age 14, i only grew older. so, don't expect me to change for a long time! same old, same old!!

sincerely, me

may 26, 2018

sigh. my second to last diary entry. i've been having this for years, and it's almost time to give it up. i mean, 19 year olds don't really use diaries anymore. and this diary is rotting. like really hard. so um i'm gonna keep this entry short. last diary entry tomorrow!

sincerely, me

may 27, 2018

happy 20th birthday to me. goodbye, diary. see you soon. sincerely, me.

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